"Well then that was strange" She said to me, "So Draco do you want to come with me, to the party i mean, I have an idea, but I will need to tell you in secret"

"Yes, I will go with you, I would really like that!" I said lovingly.

"Good that's very good, well we now have transfiguration" 

"Oh yay, joy to the world"

"Oh shush Draco, its not that bad"

"Oh yes, it really isn't" I replied sarcastically. 

"Okay I know its bad but we actually need to get to class now"

The rest of Wednesday went exceedingly fast, as well did the night. 

The next day was another day we had off, I said to Dakota yesterday that I would meet her in the room of requirement. 

I headed up to the room with two apples and opened the giant doors.

Inside I saw that Dakota was already inside. 

She was sitting beside the cauldron and all of the ingredients were sitting on the floor, all spread out.

"What ingredient did you add today?"

"Armadillo Bile, it was truly disgusting, horrible"

"Lovely to know"

"Yeah I know right"

"Well now what do we do to pass the time of a whole day" I asked.

"Well we are probably going to have to study if we want to have the day off still"

"But studying isn't fun, I wanna do something we will both enjoy doing, to keep us entertained and not bored, something so we can actually have fun while having to do this, something to make me a better boyfriend, something where you will still want to be with me after wards" 

Dakota rushed over to me and pulled me into the tightest hug.

"Draco, even if I just study with you, just being with you, I wouldn't mind the fact that I will be with you will make me happy" 

I wrapped my arms around he tightly. 

"Thank you for everything, I guess we shall study then" 

"Yes we shall" 

Dakota whispered what I think was a spell and soon the doors to the room opened and in flew all of our things that we needed to study. 

Our potions, transfiguration, herbology, astrology, charms, defence against the dark arts. 

 Parchment, quills and ink. 

"Well now all of our things are here, what subject should we start on?" Dakota querried. 

"Well lets just start on defence against the dark arts" 


The rest of the day went quite fast, we stopped at three o'clock and thats when I remembered.

"Hey, Dakota, isn't Slughorn's party on today?"

"Yes oh my god that's right, we have to go get ready" 

There was no goodbye it was just a straggled cry out. She ran from the room and most likely back down to the dungeons where she would then be going to her room to get ready. 

The Beast Unleashed {Draco Malfoy} (deatheaters)Where stories live. Discover now