Chapter 7

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Y/N closed her locker and she then walked to her class, Malik was there and he greeted her with a smile.

She ignored his smile and just sat at the back of the class. Malik found that odd but he just continued his lesson.

Y/N started to doodle on her notebook and it was all drawings of Candy Pop. She admired his light blue hair so much, mainly cause she liked the way it looked.

Soon the lesson was over and the bell rang making Y/N snap out of it, she grabbed her stuff and she then started walking towards the door.

Y/N wait a minute...
Malik said placing a hand on her shoulder.

She stopped and she looked back at Malik, he motioned her to take a seat at his desk. She raised an eyebrow as she did as he asked.

He then stood in front of her and he leaned down a little placing his hand on his desk on each side of her legs.

Is everything okay?
He asked looking into her eyes.

Yes, why?
Y/N asked confused as to why he is asking.

I dunno...I just had a feeling something was off.
He said removing a lock of hair away from my face and placing it behind my ear.

Malik, you don't have to worry. Everything is f-
Y/N noticed someone at the door and her eyes widened.

It was Candy Pop and he had a slightly annoyed expression.

What is it?
Malik said turning his head slightly.

Y/N turned his head towards her again as she forced out a chuckled.

L-look there is someone at your window...
Y/N said pointing to the window.

Malik walked over to the window and Y/N opened the door grabbing Candy Pop by his arm and running off with him.

She led him to an old classroom where no one would go into, she panted as she looked at him. He continued to have that annoyed expression as I sighed.

Weren't you gonna meet me at lunch time?!
Y/N said sitting on one of the tables.

Candy Pop crossed his arms and he scuffed as he looked away from Y/N. She raised an eyebrow slightly as she looked at him.

What's wrong?
She asked confused.

You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend...
He said still looking away from her.

What?! He isn't my boyfriend, he is my teacher.
Y/N said facepalming.

Oh sure and I suppose he acts like that with the rest of the class?
He said scuffing.

Candy Pop...he might like me but he is my teacher and I can't date him.
Y/N said extending her hand out to him.

Candy Pop looked at her hand and as much as he wanted to turn away from her again he couldn't resist the urge.

He took her hand into his and he walked a bit closer to her, she wrapped her arms around his torso and pulled him closer into a tight hug.

Candy Pop felt his heart thump as she did this but he shook his head and he just hugged her back.

He felt a smile creep up onto his lips as he looked down at Y/N.He backed away slightly and she looked up at him raising an eyebrow.

What are you thinking?
She asked.

Who me?
Candy pop asked smirking.

Y/N looked away trying to avoid his gaze and she just clears her throat and looks back at him.

Yes you.
She states as she crossed her arms.

Candy Pop leaned down and he looked straight into Y/N's eyes.He was trying to get a reaction out of her that may give him a hint that she might be seriously interested in him.

Y/N visibly gulped as she started blushing lightly,that's all Candy Pop wanted to see.

Can I ask you a question?
He asked as he smirked.

Y/N said as she continued to look at him.

Why arent you scared of me?
Candy Pop asked placing a hand on the side of her face.

Should I be?
She asked looking up at him with that innocent look of hers.

Candy Pop visibly gulped as he heard her words and he bit his lip as his eyes traveled down to her slightly parted plump pink lips of hers.

He said leaning down more as he gently pecked her lips.

Y/N felt her heart skip a beat when he did this and that made her blush darken,Candy Pop noticed and he chuckled as he kissed the tip of her nose.

You look cute when you blush.
He said kneeling down so he would be looking up at her slightly.

Y/N shook her head as she couldn't help but giggle at his words,Candy Pop gave her a tender smile as she looked down at him.

Candy pop wrapped his arms around her wais waist as he continued to look up at her,she bit her lip as she smiled slightly.

There was something about Candy Pop that made Y/N feel like she is floating.Even she doesn't even understand why.

The bell rang and it was time for her to go to her chemistry class,she groaned annoyed as she facepalmed.
Candy Pop looked up at her pouting slightly,she placed her hand on the top of his head.

I have to go...
She said sighing.

I know...but I'll see you at lunch time...
He said standing up.

You mean it this time? Or are you gonna pop up again?
She said giggling .

I dunno yet shorty.
He said helping me down from the table.

She shook my head as she playfully rolled her eyes at his words,Y/N then went over to the door and opened it slightly.
She looked back at Candy Pop again and she gave him a small smile,he gave her a smile as well before she walked out.

Candy Pop placed a hand on his chest as he felt his heart thup violently,he got worried.He had never had a feeling like this before...

"Am I dying!?"

-To be continued-
Oh poor Candy Pop XD

Where is Candy Pop going? And is Y/N having the same problem as him?
Or Are they gonna play it off like nothing happened..?

Find out next chapter

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