Movies and more movies

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~Bettt's POV~

After i continuously threw up for awhile Jughead decided that it would be best for me to  just stay home for the day instead of going out. So I texted Kevin to see if he could pick up a pregnancy test for me he agreed quickly, probably due to the fact that he might be an uncle.

"Are you okay?" Jughead asked

"Better than before." I grimiced

"Hey you want to watch a movie?" Jug  asked while pulling me into his embrace.

"That sounds great." I answered with a smile.

"We should watch 'It'." Jughead suggested excitedly.

"But Juggie scary movies well , they scare me." I cried

"Hey Betty it's going to be okay I will be right here the whole time." He said lifting me onto his lap.

"Ok..." I hesitated, snuggling  into his chest.

*About an hour into the movie*

*Knock ,Knock*

"I'll get it." Jug said getting up.

"Nooooo." I whined reaching my arms out like a young child.

It was Kevin with the pregnancy tests...

" Hey guys , I got the tests." He said tossing the bag on the couch.

" Thanks Kev." Jug said

" Wanna finish the movie with us?" I asked sweetly.

" Sure, can I stay for when you find out the results?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

" Of course you can Kev." I responded while Jughead was shaking his head no behind Kevin while I gave him evils.

*After finishing the movie*

"I'll go take the pregnancy test now." I said nervously.

As I was walking down the hallway I felt my stomach doing flip flops. So I took the test and went back out to the living room to wait for the timer on my phone to go off and tell me the results.

"Lollipop lollipop O lolli lolli lolli lollipop" my phone rang out.

I couldn't bring my self to go look at the results. So Jug went to see.

He walked out of the bathroom 2 minutes later with a stone cold poker face. Not giving any clue to what the results might be.

" Well?" I said getting impatient" The results are....." Jug said


Sorry I had to end the chapter on such a cliff hanger. I couldn't help myself. Put in the comments what you think the results are. Not you  fanfic_cutie you already know the answer.


                                        Word count 405

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