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It was late now, Alice and I came home then I started dinner. Todd was sleeping on the couch, while Alice did her homework on the table. As I seeve dinner, my next task was to wake my husband up. "Todd?" I whispered, he wasn't answering "Todd honey?" I nudge hime on his arm and before I knew it, I was slap across the floor. "Fuck off bitch!" he stood up, "what is it?!" "I-it's dinner..." he looked at the table where Alice stood quietly. He walked over and sat down, I followed. It was quiet at the dinner table; I looked at Alice, she was quiet then sadly looked at her father. "What?" She said nothing, "you think I'm worthless dont you?! Because of me your mother left! Right?! Now you get whore for a mother now?! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have a school to go to in the first place!" "Todd, please don't talk--" "shut up! You dont get to tell me what to do!" He stood up and walked up to me, pushing me to the ground. "Daddy no!" Alice came up front with Todd "alice?!" I whispered as I saw Alice terrified as she was when I first saw her. "Don't you rebel against me!" He raised his hand, before I knew I stood up and stand infront of Todd, holdong his arm away. "Don't hurt her!" "Get off me!!" I pushed him back causing him to stumble on the chair, scattering the table. I held onto Alice as her father stood up, suddenly we heard a knock on the door. "Hello! DP" my face, fearful, looked straight in Todd's eyes. "Did you call the cops?!" Todd yelled "I-I-I d-didn't--" "I told you if you mess with me, bad things happen bitch!" He then grab the lamp on the coffee table "Todd please... put the lamp down, just leave alice-- out" "shut up! " I did,'t have a choice, the only person is the otherside of that door "help!!" As Todd was about to hit us with the lamp. "Freeze!" The door burst out and the cop you I met today was here, he is here to rescue us. I cried in tears, can this be real? I'm free from Todd abuse? What will happen to alice? Everything came so suddenly. A few people, cops, came and brought us to the ambulance, covering us blankets bandaging us where the bruises are. As they left us to ourselves, the man who saved came towards us. "Hello, I'm officer Johnson, if I may can I asked you some questions?" I looked at him, with a sudden calm feeling in me, I nodded. "Before I came, what happen? What event did you and family part take in?" "We... we were having dinner... he was sleeping... woke him up... He slap me... once he ate dinner and he burst out on Alice" I told me as I looked at Alice sleeping on my lap. "On what did he say to her?" "About he thought he was worthless... how mother left because of him" "Are you not the mother?" I shook my head, "no... I'm the stepmother" "you don't have his last name?" "He doesn't want me to, he thinks I don't deserve it" he looked at me "lastly, has he been doing this to you and the daughter?" I looked at him, Alice, the house, my hands, then back to him. I nodded, "how long?" "For 1 year now" he nodded and wrote every down. He was about walk away but I stop him, "what will happen to us now?" I asked desperately, he looked at me, with concern. Bending down, he asked "Do you have relative or friend willing to let you live with them?" I nodded and ask one more thing, "what will happen to Alice?" "She is yours now, right?" I nodded, "will Todd take her away?" I looked down hoping not tonhear the unthinkable. "I won't let that happen... as long you tell your story, Ms. Lawrence" "Kara, call me Kara" I said without hesitation, I blushed, "You can call me Connor" he smiled at me. As everything settled, I called Lauren. "Lauren Winter, who is calling me this hour?" "Lauren?" I spoked, "Kara? What's wrong sweetheart?" "Its hard to explain, but csn you pick me and Alice up from the hospital" "what? What happen?" "I'll explain soon enough" "on my way!" As soon enough, Lauren came hugging both of us. She drove us to her house, as Alice slept in the car, I told Lauren everything. "Unbelievable! Why did you stay for that long?! You can leave Kara!" I looked at her with tears "I can't leave Alice okay?!" Silence was in the car, good thing alice is asleep. "Okay, I'm sorry but why?... she isn't yours... don't get me wrong, she is a great kid, lovin all the time with you" "I don't know... I think.. because when I married Todd, Alice have me and I have Alice... I felt like I'am her mother" Lauren smiled at me, "okay, I understand that... but why did you stayed with Todd? You could've left him with Alice by your side" I looked at the ground, "he wasn't like that when we dated and we got married, he was liked that when the police force fired him..." "really?" From what?" I looked at the back checking if Alice listened but I made sure she listened to her music as she sleep. I spoke, "drugs... he was addicted to some red drug... when the department found out, they checked the house and his desk... Alice and I.. we didn't know... he went to rehab.. didn't work and the department wont let him come back then he went back to it and drinking... then... then... he was... hurting.." I teared up "oh Kara... I'm sorry, it's good you that told the police." I nodded, "don't worry we won't bother you as much... I'll find a good job... pay for a apartment... I promise..." "Kara... I don't mind... after my son past away... you can stay.." "Lauren..." we held hands and we said we'll be okay.

DH: "Road to You" ConnorxKaraWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt