Chapter One - The Abused

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Park Len p.o.v
"Simple instructions, Len. I gave you simple instructions and you fucked up!" He scolds, his hand meeting the side of my face in anger.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I say my voice barely noticeable.

"God what have I said about mumbling, you stupid bitch?" He glares raising his hand.

"Not too." I say a bit louder.

"WRONG FUCKING ANSWER!" The stinging in cheek my starts again and the taste of blood swells in my mouth.

"You obviously weren't paying enough attention, cause you gave me a half-assed answer. I have told you the same thing hundreds of times, 'Len could you please avoid mumbling, not only is it annoying as fuck but I can hardly hear you.' that should be your answer every time you understand me?" he says sitting on the couch.

"Yes, Sir." I respond loud and clear. A single tear rolls down my cheek and my breathing stops as I hear him growl. He sighs gently before speaking,

"Come here, " he pats his lap and I obey, straddling him as he wipes my eyes with his thumbs.

"You know I hate making you cry, but you never listen so I have to take drastic measures." I continue crying and he pulls me into his chest, stroking my thigh with his left thumb while his other hand pets my head.

"You know I love you, right?" he asks as his hand slowly slides higher up the skirt of my uniform. I nod before speaking,

"I love you, too." I say as he starts to remove my uniform, following soon after by removing his.

"I'll never leave you." he speaks lowly his hands massaging every curve of my naked body.
"HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GOING TO FUCK THAT UP, YOU DUMB BITCH?!?! A SIMPLE BLOWJOB AND YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT RIGHT, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET OFF IF YOU'RE UNABLE TO HANDLE SWALLOWING DICK?!?!" Instead of the palm of his hand, it's his fist, something new. I stumble backward, blood pouring from my nose and tears from my eyes. His eyes widen as he ventures towards my naked trembling body.

"I'm so sorry, Lennie baby." his voice sounds genuine but there's slight annoyance.

"I-it's fine, I know you didn't mean it. And I'm sorry for being useless." my voice is weak but I'm not mumbling, I won't mumble, he doesn't like it. He just sighs.

"Whatever, if you're still able to talk you're still able to do your job as my girlfriend. Ugh, what a turn-off, go get dressed and clean yourself up I can't  look at your naked body when there's blood all over it, it's disgusting." he starts to dress. I nod pinching my nose and walking to the bathroom, when I'm finished I gather my clothes and get dressed.

I exit his room and he's sitting there on the couch smiling down at his phone. I sit next him and his smile immediately falls.

"Oh, you should probably go it's getting late."

"But it's only 6:3-"

"I didn't ask for the fucking time, I said you should probably get going. Don't want that little bitch brother of yours to worry." he just crosses his arms a scowl on his face.

"Jimin and I are twins, I was just born first, a couple minu-"

"DID I FUCKING ASK?" he screams separating his arms.

"No, Sir."

"Then why the hell are you speaking?" his hands raise again.

"I do not know." I speak clear cringing as his hand raises higher.

Break-Ups -- J.H.S X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن