Her cheeks darkened at the thought of what really had happened between them. Then she remembered the sound in the woods. She certainly hoped whomever had been watching from the trees had not witnessed their intimate kiss.


"Lizzie, you simply must tell me what happened between you and Edward!" Amelia stamped her foot and placed her hands on her hips like a child in a temper tantrum.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Her sister had been trying for the last ten minutes to get any information she could out of Elizabeth about her afternoon with Edward. Amelia had burst into Elizabeth's room while Jane was trying to help her dress for dinner.

"We had a nice horseback ride, and I showed him the lake, that's all." Elizabeth checked her hair in the round mirror of her mahogany vanity.

Amelia didn't look convinced. "It's obvious something more went on," Amelia clucked. "You didn't see the looks on both of your faces as I did when you both returned! You, dear sister, were glowing. And what happened to your hair? Wasn't it coiled upon your head when you left?"

Elizabeth noticed Jane raise her eyebrows in the mirror as she worked to close all the buttons on the back of Elizabeth's blue silk gown. Elizabeth glared at her sister and wanted to shake her for saying such things in front of Jane. Jane was a delightful and obedient girl, but servants gossiped amongst themselves, after all. Amelia knew that.

"Not now, Amelia..." Elizabeth said irritably.

Amelia looked injured by her sister's surly demeanor, but didn't say another word.

"Thank you, Jane, I think that will be all I'll be requiring. You did a marvelous job on my hair." Elizabeth smiled at Jane's reflection in the mirror.

Jane bobbed a curtsey. "Thank you, miss. Ring for me if you need any further assistance." Jane nodded to Amelia, and made her way out of the room.

Elizabeth turned and looked at her sister severely. "Amelia, you know very well not to speak of private matters in front of the servants. They repeat everything they hear."

"I know, Lizzie, please forgive me! I was just dying to know about you and Edward! Now tell me what really happened." A mischievous grin spread across Amelia's pretty face.

Elizabeth blushed slightly. "Alright, then. But you must not repeat it to anyone, Amelia."

"You know I won't, Lizzie. We have many sisterly secrets!" Amelia beamed.

"Well, first of all, my hair fell when our horses were galloping across the field going toward the lake." Elizabeth looked at her sister's bright face. There was no doubt that she had Amelia's undivided attention.

"Why were you galloping? You can't have conversation that way, and it's not very becoming of a lady."

"Well, because it's delightful. And I wasn't about to let Edward have all the fun just so I could look lady-like." A half smile crept up on Elizabeth's face.

"So it was Edward's idea? Hmm..."

"Amelia...what difference does it make?"

"Oh, nothing. Please continue." Amelia grinned.

"Well, when we arrived at the lake, there was this little mishap..." Elizabeth began to blush just thinking about it. Putting it into words, even if it was just for Amelia, was painfully awkward.

"What, Lizzie? Why are you blushing?" Amelia was still grinning.

"Well...Edward was helping me down from my horse, and...well, I sort of fell and he caught me..."

Amelia gasped and clasped her hands together. "Oh, how heroic!"

Elizabeth's cheeks darkened further and she looked down at the floor.

"Oh my, there's more, isn't there?" Amelia nearly squealed. "Did he kiss you?"

"Yes." Elizabeth stared a hole into the floor.

"Oh, my! I just knew he adored you! Lizzie, what was it like?"

Elizabeth lifted her eyes to meet Amelia's. "It was... Amelia, it was...the most wonderful feeling in all the world! I've never known anything like it..."

"Oh, Lizzie! So I see that you like him as well? May we be hearing wedding bells in the near future?" Amelia giggled like a young girl.

"Oh, Amelia..." Elizabeth grinned. "He did say he wanted to ask Papa for permission to court me," Elizabeth said with a smile, touching her fingers to her blushing cheeks.

Amelia hugged her sister tightly. "Oh, Lizzie, I am so happy to see you so joyful! Edward is a good man, and I can see that he is quite fond of you."

"What about you, Amelia? How are you and Matthew getting on? I see that he quite likes conversing with you."

Amelia blushed slightly. "I do like him; he's quite handsome and charming. I think he likes me, too, I'm just not sure how serious he is about me."

"Well, only time will tell."

Amelia glanced at the clock hanging above the fireplace in Elizabeth's room. "Oh, goodness, I must return to my room to put on my jewelry and check my appearance once more. I love you, Lizzie dear!" Amelia gave her sister a quick peck on the cheek.

"I love you, too, Amelia." Elizabeth turned to watch her sister sail out of the room.

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