Chapter 11

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"Maple were are we going to go we have no home." "I know just the place pine my home Thunder clan."

They walked for hours and they walked of days until they arrived and the end of the clans territory. "Maple were are we?" "We are at the end of thunder clans territory pine." They walked right into the forest but came across a strange smell. "Wait do you smell that maple." "Yes we are close to thunder clan cats." "Hello anyone there." "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU ON THUNDER CLAN TERRITORY!" "We mean no harm we just need help."

The thunder clan cats took maple and pine to the heart of thunder clan the camp. "WHO ARE YOU!" "My name is maple and this is my friend pine and we come from a place called the tribe of rushing water." "My name is Oakstar I believe you know my deputy." "NIGHTPAW!!!!" "Maplepaw!!!"

Nightwing walked up to maple see if he was right. "It is you everyone she's back." The clan cheered with joy that maple was back in thunder clan.

"What bring you back maplepaw we thought you were dead." "Well I wanted to be treated like a warrior but I wasn't be treated like one so I went to shadow clan Lightstar didn't want me there so I when he told me to leave I went to the tribe in the mountains were I meeted

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