Peach Scone

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Clyde's Intro
If I try to confess my love for
I just wanna say something real quick, please shh, listen
I love
These scones
Just the diversity between the selection they have here
The blueberry, the raspberry, strawberry, pumpkin
Even which is basically a friggin' squash
How they gonna make a scone out of a freaking squash?
Ohh, wow, wow
That shit blows my mind
That's Elon Musk just in his little lab cooking up baby!

\Tokens POV/

Clyde Sat at he table with his lunch from home. Today was the day his mom had died about five years ago, he had a sad look on his face as he started eating the taco he had pulled out and I grabbed his hand.

He looked to me and Gave my hand a little squeeze as more of the guys started arriving. Bickering Filled the Cafeteria, Clyde was getting pats on the back as people walked by.

I nodded to them, they did the same. I listened to the Others as they talked. I smiled as the bell rang and I heard Clyde whimper a bit as I let go of his hand.

"Sorry Clyde, common." I smiled as he Grabbed my hand and he started to talk

"I love you token, like." He began and smiled more "you're always there and it makes me super happy" Clyde kissed my cheek quickly, making sure no one noticed.

\\Time skip brought to you by: Kenny McWhoredick\\

Grabbed the stuff out of my locker as Bebe walked up to me, she looked mad. I took my final book out and then closed my locker, Putting my book bag on

"So, what's with you and Clyde holding hands?" She Growled, her high pitched voice ringing in my ear.

"His Mom died on this day almost 5 years ago, I'm comforting him." I lied a bit, me and Clyde had been dating for a few weeks.

"I don't believe you" She glared and walked away, And I narrowed my eyes for a second before Clyde ran up, pulling me away from the school. I smiled as he Started talking.

"Wanna go to your place and hang?" Clyde smiled and looked back at me and I nodded replying with a nod.

"Your quiet Token. What's wrong?" Clyde seemed worried, I started "no baby! I'm fine. I just like to hear you talk" I smiled and Cupped Clyde's face, kissing him softly.


She's a peach
A scone
She's a peach Scone pop

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