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Upon arriving at the old Mikaelson estate in New Orleans, Hope is still feeling sick. Her temperature hasn't gotten any warmer, she's like an ice cube in my arms.

Elijah and Niklaus enter the Mikaelson compound beforeI follow in behind them and place Hope on a couch in the courtyard.

Klaus looks around the empty and deserted compound, anger in his eyes at how broken it looks,

"Our home. Once the pride of our family, now a flophouse."

"Indeed, the mighty have fallen," Elijah says bitterly, rolling his eyes at Klaus.

"Where's Vincent?" I say to both of them, my tone impatient, not bothering with their disappointment concerning the compound. 

I've only met Vincent once before my untimely death, and from what I know of him now he's Marcel's main warlock. 

Vincent's voice comes from behind us as he enters the compound as well, 

"Right here. Kept my word. Now the only question is whether or not you guys are gonna keep yours. As soon as I'm finished healing your kid, you got to leave the city."

"Well, we're not gonna stay, are we? Your city has lost its charm," Nik snaps at him, making me stand up and face Vincent quickly.

"What he means to say is that we're very grateful, just help her and we'll leave, please," I apologize to Vincent, just wanting our daughter fixed so we can leave.

Elijah nods at the warlock, 

"Just give us what we need, and we will do so, happily."

"Excuse me," Vincent moves around us to go kneel down beside Hope, who looks calm in the wake of everything going on,

"Okay. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a. Nettoyer timoun sa a."

Crows caw loudly overhead as Vincent's spell comes to a halt and he steps away from her.

Hope's voice sounds stronger, 


I immediately move to crouch beside her, touching her face gently with my hands. Relief washing through me when I notice her body temperature is warmer and more normal.

"That's it. Your little girl's purified," Vincent says to us.

"Thank you," I turn to the warlock, 

"Thank you so much."

Vincent points at all of us, his tone stern,

"Now look, the only gratitude I need from any of you is seeing you leave the city."

I nod at him and turn to Hope with a small smile, 

"Go see your daddy."

She gets up and starts to walk over to Nik who smiles at her. A crow squawks nearby again while a dead one falls from the sky right between Nik and Hope, making Hope turn back and look at me in fear. Then before I can say anything, an entire flock of crows begin to drop around Hope.

Klaus looks to the warlock, his eyes wide and never leaving Hope,

"What is this?"

"I don't know," Vincent's eyes are wide in shock.

I move to crouch beside my little girl again, desperately trying to remain calm as the last few dead crows fall around us in a perfect circle, enclosing us. 

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