Chapter 1:Beginning of a Nighmare

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“PSO victims safely return to normal citizenry. Government will keep a close eye on all surviving members Also the release of a new VRMMORPG.”

A snort from across the lunch table caught the attention of the other two occupants. A female with black hair and blue eyes stared intently at her friends, fork stuck in her potatoes. She crossed her arms and shook her head, obviously displeased with today’s headlines.

“How can they ever return back to society? They’ve been trapped in a game for two years; they can’t be normal now.”

“Says here they went to rehab school, and all who showed no sign of trauma graduated, including adults, and little kids. The school was open to them for four years, which is plenty of time for them to recuperate from what they’ve endured. Most of them went back to playing games as well.”

The girl scoffed grabbing the paper. “I don’t trust any of them. Especially this one group they mention that defeated the Game Master. This girl, Naomi, is a celebrity thanks to this.”

“Don’t apply your hatred of video games to the savior of over a hundred people, Fable.”

Fable quickly bit back a retort, staring at her best friends, Jack, and Alyssa. They were twins, both donning blonde hair and brown eyes. Jack took back the paper and continued reading the article. Alyssa huffed at her brother then turned to Fable.

“That is true, but I don’t think it’s cool to judge the girl because of her status. I’m sure she didn’t want to do the cover shoot anyways.” Alyssa spoke softly to her friend, with a small smile.

Jack scoffed behind the paper. “Whether she wanted to or not, this girl is hot.”

“She’s too old for you, Jack.” Fable cut in dryly getting up. She stomped off to the trash can dumping her food, and then walked out of the cafeteria. She heard foot steps behind her, then a hand on her shoulder. Seeing Alyssa she calmed down, and sighed. Alyssa hugged her patting her back.

“I know, Fable. I know why. But don’t start fights you know Jack will jump in.” Alyssa muttered.

Fable closed her eyes and nodded. “Okay.”

* * * * * * *

Alyssa walked into her room she shared with her brother, holding the box tightly. Jack came in not two minutes later with a smirk on his face and looked at the box containing the new game. Both siblings plugged up their individual systems, and commenced putting their game helmets on. In less than five minutes the systems for the latest RPG, Wonderland Online would be available for all anticipating players. They had been waiting for weeks to play the game.

“Two more minutes, Jack.” Alyssa sighed. “I feel like I’m betraying Fable by playing this.”

“Feh. Let Fable be Fable. I don’t understand why she hates video games, but I’m going to enjoy this. You should too.” Jack said closing his eyes.

Alyssa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Five…Four…Three…Two…

“Link Start!”

* * * * * * *

Fable looked up from her book momentarily to rub her eyes of sleep. She had been studying to get her mind off of a troubling matter, and fell asleep for what seemed like hours. Getting up from her desk she walked down stairs to get a drink of water, and see what her parents were up too. Seeing her dad knocked out on the couch, she went to turn the set off when the most interesting piece of news caught her attention.

“It is the four year anniversary of the infamous PSO incident, and the release of a new game called Wonderland Online. Thousands of gamers rushed to get their copy and currently every store worldwide is sold out on this game, same as the PSO incident.

“Parents are fearful of their children becoming ‘trapped’ in the game, much like PSO. But Harbinger, the company that created the game, fully assures that this will not be a repeat of what happened last year. A demonstration on a player logging in and logging out was performed for us at the time of the system release, along with the player dying and being forcibly logged out.”

Fable turned off the TV, startling her dad, whom received the death glare upon awaking.

“What’s wrong, Fable?” he asked yawning.

“I thought we weren’t going to have anything to do with video games, father?”

Stunned and at a loss for words, Fable stormed out of the living room and into hers, flopping on the bed. Squeezing the pillow she held back angry tears…

* * * * * * *

“Oh, no, please don’t tell me…”

“Knave… I can’t log out…”

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