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Ölivire POV

I am a murderer. I am a hunter. I don't belong in this village. I watch as Jervetta and Xipatsia walk towards my direction, giggling about the cutest boys in The Circle.
'And here is Sir Ölivire, the king' Xipatsia pronounces and bows. They both burst out into laughter.

I look up to see Jervetta's beautiful smile looking up at me.
I stumble over my words,
'H-hi? My my name is Ölive-- Ölivire I meant, sorry it's just-'
'Save it for your wedding day' Xipatsia snorts.
I glare at her as she gives me a mischievous grin and raises her eyebrows.

We all stand there in silence until Jervetta says something, 'We're all going down to the creek tonight, do you wanna come?'
I reluctantly nod my head as she smiles and says, 'See you then!' And winks.

I was feeling it again. The immense thirst that every Ovinxer has. The thirst to kill. I stop myself from choking somebody and run out of the Circle. I go hunting for a while to ease that thirst. It satisfies me for now, but worriedly it might not later.

I go back to my little stone brick house and prepare for the creek. What would we even wear? What are we doing? I decide to play it safe with some shorts and a tee.

I put my cap on and head towards the beach, getting stopped by the deputy. 'What're you kid soon' outta here, huh? Shouldn't you be inside in time for the curfew?'

I quickly tell him that I was sent off to see the chief and ran as fast as I could towards the beach before he could question me.

I heard some music playing and some laughter.

I heard a soft voice calling out to me from behind. I followed it into the bushes, moving all trance-like. The voice grew louder and louder as I realized I was lost.
There was a stone, with a little blonde girl crying on it. Walking over to ask her what was wrong, I put my hand on her shoulder. My hand fell right through her as if she was a ghost. The girl continued crying, as if I wasn't there.
"What's wrong?" I bent down to look at her face from under.

She looked up at me, her face wrangled and opened her mouth, "Hello, Ölivire" A demon-like sounding voice resonated through the forest. I jumped back as she started walking towards me. Arms outstretched like a zombie. Her eyes rolled back into her head, revealing a head of mottled-grey skin and eyes of pure darkness.

"I knew your time would come." She appeared in front of me, grasping my throat. I gasped and choked at breath. The child's grasp tightened rapidly. I looked into her midnight black eyes to see a reflection of me, my face blue and my hair all mussed up.
Black spots slowly clouded my vision as I started seeing doubles of her. My knees buckled and I saw the same menacing grin displayed along their faces. I barely caught what they said next, before I passed out.

"The curse has called."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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