Chapter 6* Like Clockwork, Here I come...

Start from the beginning

As I lie there, panting for breath, I see a few figures dart into the building. A rising sense of panic wells up in me as I realize what could happen.

Am I about to die on this rooftop? Hell, no.

“Sam!” I force out through gritted teeth. “We need to barricade the doors!”

Immediately he abandons his shooting and races to help me. We run to the black, metal doors, reaching it the same time the thumping starts on the other side. My god, those zombies are strong. With every hit, dents appear in the rusted metal.

“Leave it,” a female voice commands from behind us. Inhaling sharply, I wheel around just as the banging stops.

“Who are you?” I demand, even though I know full well who she is. Some stupid god. Again.

“Hestia,” she says pleasantly. She is magnificent, practically glittering in the sunlight, swathed in cloth of the most magnificent mahogany. A crown of platinum gold nestles comfortably in her golden hair.

“You,” she says, voice never losing that calmness. Her words are directed at Sam. “You managed to escape me that day.”

Sam doesn’t speak a word. He seems entranced by her voice.

“Come closer, child.”

To my utter horror, Sam takes a step forward. I try to speak out, to warn him, but something is blocking my throat. I cannot even move, and panic seizes me.

Hestia touches a long, slender finger to Sam’s forehead. His whole frame droops, as if wilting like a flower, and then straightens up again with new purpose.

Oh, hell.

He turns towards me and Hestia vanishes, but not without a sly smile at me first. Studying Sam, I realize he is different. His eyes are not glazed over like the others, but there is that horrid infinity mark stamped in swirling ink on his forehead.

Somewhere in those deep brown eyes, I see the real Sam calling for me.

“Sam!” I shout, realizing that I can move and talk. I dart away, but he continues to advance. “Sam!”

He doesn’t reply, but stalks to me and lands a heavy blow to my face. Reeling back from the shock, I taste blood in my mouth. I may have actually bit my tongue.

“Oh my god, Sam,” I exclaim.

He doesn’t say a word. Another heavy punch strikes my face, leaving a nasty bruise. His elbow slams into my stomach, leaving a painful throbbing, and a last kick in the chest sends me sprawling to the ground.

I never knew he was so insanely strong. How rubbish.

Straddling me, Sam pins me to the dusty ground. I get a real look at his beautiful brown eyes, and I see Sam, my Sam, somewhere deep inside, shouting and screaming and fighting.

“Sam,” I whisper. “Don’t do this.”

Not-my-Sam wrenches the dagger from my hands, holds it up high. The blade glints wickedly in the setting sun. It is positioned directly above my heart. Just one plunge, and I promise myself it would all be over soon.

I shut my eyes.

And feel his lips on mine.

I am so shocked that my eyes fly open, only to meet his, wide open and huge and dilated and afraid, and he is- he is kissing me. What the hell? He’d been seconds away from taking my life!

But I couldn’t deny that I didn’t enjoy it.

Poking my tongue into his mouth, I enjoy the taste of him briefly. But then his body stiffens against mine, and I know Not-my-Sam is coming back, so I wrestle the knife from his hands, slips my hand into his pocket and extract the teleporter, and pray to god that I won’t cut too deep.

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