Getting Over The Miscarriage

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Marshalls POV
When we heard that Angelina had a miscarriage it was very sad for Anna definitely because once she heard the words "miscarriage" she started crying I tried to help her when we got home she was all sad and depressed on our bed sleeping and reading the same depressing ass book "Everything I never told you" I tried to get her out of bed today and she was not happy She took a bath today and I was sitting right next to her and when she washed out all of the conditioner I said baby please smile you haven't smiled in a week! "Marshall that baby would've completed us we would've been a family and it's sad that we didn't get to see the baby" Anna said, I know baby look you just need to let go of everything sad alright come on chin up I said.  She got out of the bath and was quiet she went to bed so fast as I saw her in pain I called Angelina and asked her if we could do something special for Anna so she can get cheered up and hopefully she smiles finally.

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