Please don't cry...?- Michael/Jeremy (Part 2)

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This is more just me wanting to kill some time. Have the regurgitated bits of my boredom! Hopefully it isn't too bad.


By the time they arrived at Michael's house, it was nearly 12 o'clock in the afternoon. The two boys were laughing together, arguing over whether Wham!'s Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go or The Proclaimers' I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) was better. Jeremy knew that the obvious answer was The Proclaimers, but Michael begged to differ.

They pulled into the driveway, but Michael stopped short when he noticed the other car in the driveway and the fact that the kitchen curtains were closed. Michael never closed them, which could only mean one thing.

His parents were home for the first time in months.

"Dude, is that your mum's car?" Jeremy hissed, leaning over to his best friend. Michael nodded dumbly, switching the engine off and climbing out. Michael didn't even get to the front door before his mum and dad came rushing out, engulfing him in a bear hug.

"Mikey, we've missed you!" his mum squealed, pulling her son closer to herself before realising what the time was. "Why are you here so early?"

"I... um..." Michael stuttered. Jeremy got out of the car and came to Michael's side. He was also hugged tightly; Michael's parents basically saw him as a second son.

"Jeremy, how's your father?" Michael's father asked, ruffled Jeremy's hair.

"He works now," Jeremy said weakly. "We're back 'cause Michael sorta had a bit of a freak out."

"What happened, Mike?" his mother said, leading the two boys into the house. They both looked longingly to the basement steps.

"It was stupid, it doesn't matter," Michael said quickly, pushing his glasses up a little.

"It wasn't stupid," Jeremy interjected before explaining everything that had happened. Michael was hugged by his mother the entire time.

"Mum, leave me alone," Michael whined, wriggling out of her grasp. "Where the hell have you been the past 6 months!? You said you'd be back 2 months ago!"

"We got stuck in Amsterdam, darling," she replied, rubbing the back of her neck in a guilty manner. "Did you get the money we sent you?"

"Yeah, I got the money, but that's not the point, is it!?" Michael exploded. He was basically bouncing off the walls with anger. Jeremy backed off and stood in silence in the doorway. "You can't just... run off halfway across the world for half a year and then expect me to be fine when you finally decide to show up!!"


"No! No excuses!" A pause. "Not this time."

Michael's mum could do nothing but stand and watch as Michael grabbed Jeremy and dragged him down to the basement, slamming the door.

Once down in the basement, Michael walked over and kicked a beanbag so hard that the seam split and small plastic pellets flooded the floor. He let out a frustrated shout, his eyes travelling to Jeremy.

"It's not fair."

His voice broke as he said it.

That was it. Jeremy just dismissed the whole no homo rule he'd been applying and pulled Michael into a tight hug, letting the shorter boy sob into his shoulder.

"I know it's not fair," Jeremy said soothingly, stroking Michael's hair and rocking a little bit in a comforting manner.

Michael shifted his head so the side of his head was rested on Jeremy's shoulder, but he could see Jeremy's face.

"Would it be totally weird if I kissed you right now?" he asked.

Jeremy stopped moving at all, freezing. Michael began to pull away, thinking about how big of a mistake he'd made when Jeremy rushed forward and kissed him.

It wasn't a very long kiss, only a few seconds. Closed mouth. No tongue. Michael's lips felt better than Jeremy had ever imagined, chapped and dry but at the same time ever-so soft. Likewise, Michael had stared and fantasized (and maybe... well... y'know... a few times whilst thinking about them) about Jeremy's lips a million times, but any fantasy would never compare with the actual feel of Jeremy's real-life lips.

They broke away, both panting and staring into each other's eyes.

"Wow," Michael breathed, his hand still on Jeremy's back. "That was..."

"Incredible," Jeremy finished, not wanting to untangle himself from Michael. "But no homo though, right?"

They both laughed, leaning unconsciously towards each other.

"So, are we..." Michael trailed off, gesturing with a finger between the two of them.

"Are you coming out to me?" Jeremy asked, giggling. Michael got down dramatically on one knee, looking up at his best friend.

"Jeremy Heere, I am sooooooooo gay," he announced.

"And I am half-gay," Jeremy countered.

"Are you coming out to me?"

"Well, yes, I suppose so. I'm bi, dude."

"Your total creepy stalkerish-like obsession with Christine Canigula kinda prevents you from being as gay as me."

"Dammit, just come here and kiss me."

They kissed again, longer this time. At least 10 seconds. Bit of tongue action. Open-mouthed. A very good kiss.

"Yeah... I think we're dating," Jeremy concluded as Michael put his head back on Jeremy's chest. Both boys couldn't help but notice how perfectly Michael's head fitted into the curve of Jeremy's chest.

They were so busy just breathing in each other's scent, examining every inch of skin they could see on each other, that neither of them heard Michael's mum coming down the stairs of the basement. They did notice, however, when she shrieked and called upstairs:

"You owe me $500, Gerald!"

"You've been betting on whether or not me and my best friend were going to get together?" Michael said in fake-indignancy. Not that he moved away from Jeremy at all. "When will the scandals end, mother?"

She laughed, watching her son and her son's now-boyfriend kissing again, kissing deeper this time. Almost a minute. Open-mouthed. Full-out tongue war. It was awesome.

"It was rather obvious that you were gay, Michael," his father said suddenly from the top of the stairs. "We accept you, of course. We love you whether you're into guys, gals or llamas. We don't care."

The two boys giggled and cuddled again.

Everything was alright, AP Psych or no AP Psych.


I am quite proud of myself for banging this out in like an hour. I think it's not too bad (hopefully). Peace out, me dudes!

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