Chapter 17

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She wished she could be a kid again.

Things were so much easier back then. Even when the professors called her a genius trapped in a child's body, that didn't stop her from enjoying the pleasures of a kid to the fullest.

She remembered her sixth birthday, her mother was cradling a tiny little Max in her arms, only his sleeping face and the dark fuzz of his hair were visible through the blanket he was wrapped in while Ember watched him with adoring eyes.

     "Momma, when can I play with Max? I don't want to hurt him," she said while fingering the edge of her brother's blanket.

     Her mother stroked the top of her head lovingly and it never failed to convey the love that shone in her mother's eyes. "Soon, sweetheart. He's still little and it'll take some time until he's ready to run around. I'm sure he's just waiting to hurry up and grow so he can play with his big sister too."


     "Really." Ember grinned and cuddled up next to her mother, her warmth a balm to her soul.

A few minutes after that, her father had come home. Ember ran towards him and wrapped her tiny arms around his legs. The top of her head reached just above his knees and she inherited that particular trait of her father's when she reached her teens; towering over most people around her.

     "Hey, there's my little angel." He dropped his briefcase and scooped her up in his arms. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he swept her thick drape of black hair off her face. "Well, maybe my dark angel. How do you see through this forest, baby?" He made a game of searching for her scalp and she giggled while slapping away his hand.

     "Don't tease my baby girl. If you give her a stigma about her appearance, I will personally kick you out of the house myself, Mr. Ashe. Do not underestimate the temper of a post-pregnant but still hormonal woman," her mother cut in, arms akimbo.

She was a beauty with her long black hair and big, brown eyes as she pretty much glided over to Ember and her father. Her elegance and grace were things to behold and apparently passed on. Her fair skin was inherited from a long generation of Japanese roots. Even through the post-pregnancy weight, it was still clear that her mother was a tiny, petite thing, far from topping her father's 6" 3' but they managed to work it out.

     "I wouldn't dream of spiking your temper, sweetheart. After all, who'd keep me warm at night if you aren't there? No other woman compares to all 5" 6' of your temper and loving care." If Ember hadn't known better, she'd have thought her father had a tongue sweeter than honey.

     "You're pushing it," her mother said sternly but the effect was ruined by the twitch of her lips. She was utterly charmed by her father.

     "You wouldn't be married to me if I didn't. Isn't that right, angel? Your momma loves when daddy teases her." He shifted her in his arms so she was cradled to his chest then proceeded to swing her around in circles. Ember shrieked with laughter as her father bounced her around.

     "Alright, alright. You're growing up real fast, little angel. It's getting hard on your old man's back." He bussed her on the cheek before putting her down.

     "And now one for your momma," he said before pulling her mother into his arms like something out of a movie. They leaned close and Ember being mature enough mentally, had the semblance to cover her young eyes with her hands.

     They laughed as they parted and her mother pulled her close to her side. "Guess what, baby? Your father got us some tickets to that ballet performance you liked so much."

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