"well you need to work on that." I chuckled. " but, I gotta ask you something."

"what is it dell?" I smiled drinking my coffee.

"when did you want to get married?"

"I don't know I never really thought when should we get married."

"maybe we should get married on our old anniversary date."

"valentine's day?" I smiled.

"yeah more romantic I aint down with a big ass wedding to be honest if it's just our family, and closet friend's im fine with that."

"sounds like a plan to me I think big weddings are a waste my mom had one."

"now look at her aint she dating somebody now?"

"she is her, and my dad on the verge of getting a divorce."

"I cant believe your parents are splitting up after 28 years of marriage."

"some marriage don't always work out on top of that there marriage has been falling to pieces since they had kids, my dad has always cheated, and abused my mom, but she loved him so much she didn't think twice about leaving him now that's its 2018 she wants to make a change, and the first is leaving my dad." I smiled.

"my parents didn't even last a year." I shrugged. " sometimes I even wonder what was there main point of being together."

"you, and your siblings."

" to be honest im the only child my dad on the other hand had babies with hella bitches man which is why my dad, and mom did work out." I shrugged.

"somethings happen for a reason right?" I said grabbing his hand.

"yeah you right." I smiled kissing her hand as she blushed. " so about this wedding valentines day?"

"that seems more romantic." I smiled. " what about our honeymoon?"

"that is something my mom wanted to plan." he sighed as I laughed.

"whats wrong with that?"

"cause she wants us to make babies that's the main reason why she want us to go on one."

"I didn't plan on having kids the moment we go on our honeymoon I wanted to wait at least a good year you know."

"same right now its just we don't have time making babies your busy im busy with a game, press conference, interviews, fans shit we don't have time, but you right in a year or two lets get started on making that baby."

I blushed.


It was a long ass drive from atlanta to Louisiana it took us about 8 hours rosie was already knocked out in an hour traffic was hell, and I had to piss so dam bad I just wanna go to sleep at this point I sighed pulling in my mom's drive way I looked to my right seeing rosie sleeping she's so beautiful asleep I smiled slightly shaking her.

"babe get up where here."

"man what time is it?"

"almost 6 where here lets go babe."

I sighed, and yawned. " jeez we've been in this car for 8 hours my legs is killing me."

"you, and me both." I chuckled grabbing her things. " honestly a good shower, and a nap sounds so dam good right now."

"Or some food." I giggled.

"you know we going to have help mom cook thanksgiving is tomorrow."

"we? you know dam well your ass cant cook." I giggled.

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