Close Quarters

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As Niall led Brittany down her sidewalk to the awaiting limo, her heart skipped a beat. The rest of the boys were inside, waiting to go to dinner with her and Mechelle. She was about to get into extremely close quarters with her five idols. She didn’t want to make a fool out of herself, but she knew the odds were not in her favor. As they approached the limo, Niall pulled his arm away from Brittany and pulled open the door, bowing, as he said, “Ladies first.” He flashed his trademark toothy smile as Brittany thanked him. 

Inside, Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry were all joking around. Per usual, Harry and Louis were sitting next to each other on the left side, and Liam and Zayn were directly across from them. Louis said something hilarious and as Brittany climbed in, they all started cracking up. Liam was the first to gain his composure.

“Hello, love! You must be Brittany.”

Brittany sat on the seat farthest away from all of them, with her mouth gaping open.

“Love, don’t be scared,” Harry chuckled in his deep Cheshire accent. “Come sit over here, we won’t bite.”

Brittany could barely move, but she somehow managed to scoot down near Harry. Still not satisfied, he reached out and pulled her over. Brittany gasped when he touched her. Everything she had imagined about him was true. His perfectly smooth skin was warm and sent shivers up her spine while managing to also set her senses on fire. His mop of curls was perfectly messy; his green eyes glittered from the sunlight of the open door.

Four pairs of eyes stared at Brittany and it was all she could do not to cry. Harry Styles had just touched her. Liam Payne said hello. Could this day get any better?!

Apparently it could.

Zayn reached his hand out to her. She reached out to shake it, but instead he kissed the top of her hand. His lips were smooth and perfect and she never wanted them to leave her. After he pulled away, she could still feel his lingering touch.

Louis, not wanting to be outdone, leaped up from his seat and planted a slobbery, wet kiss on Brittany’s cheek.

“Louis!” Liam scolded. “We want to make her feel welcome, not like she needs to take a shower!”

Looking slightly ashamed, but mostly proud of himself, Louis looked at Brittany and said, “I’m sorry. I’m Louis. It’s nice to meet you, love.”

“Don’t worry about it! It’s nice to meet you too, a-all of you,” Brittany managed to spit out.

Putting his arm around her shoulders, Harry whispered, “You don’t need to be nervous. We’re just normal teens like you, except maybe for Louis, and we want to have a good time!”

Brittany just nodded her head because she knew if she said one more word, the tears threatening to spill out of her cheeks would overflow.

Niall suddenly popped in the car, closing the limo door behind him. Instead of taking his usual set next to Liam, he made a concerted effort to sit next to Brittany. Of course Liam noticed this and sent a knowing grin in Niall’s direction.

“I hope you lads have been nice to Brittany,” Niall said in his beautiful Irish accent. “Hope you didn’t traumatize her or anything.”

“We were all very polite, except for Louis who –“

A hand suddenly covered Harry’s mouth. Louis suddenly let out a yelp as he jumped away from Harry.

“Ugh, Harry! You licked my hand, you disgusting little –“

“Oi! Lads, watch your language, there is a lady in our presence,” Liam scolded.

“Sorry, but he licked me,” Louis mumbled.

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