Chapter Thirty: Fool Me Once

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             “Are you seriously trying to tell me that some part of your brain was messed up when you went all ‘17 Again’ and that you completely forgot about your entire life?” I scoffed in disbelief as I ran a hand through my shoulder length wavy locks and headed into the bathroom to smooth some coconut oil on my hair before I left for school. 

               After finding Derek with Kate yesterday, I’d returned home and locked myself in our bedroom for the rest of the day. The Old Chris probably would’ve been distraught and a crying, snotting mess, but the New Chris simply pulled out her schoolwork and got to work securing her future.

With or without Derek, I reminded myself smugly as I brushed on another coat of mascara and beamed at my reflection in the mirror. I was trying to work on my self-esteem, and wearing a completely kick-ass, flaunt-what-you-got outfit was just the right way to do it. I’d paired a tight denim skirt with a loose gray Supernatural t-shirt, sleeves cut off and neckline cut down into a raggedy V. I added torn black tights, a red bandeau that hid the sides of my actual bra from view, and combined with my favorite old pair of gold Converse, brought the pop of color that I used to love so much. My hair was slightly straighter than usual, sleek and smooth, and my eyes were dark and smoky.

Yes. Peter says I’ve been flickering back and forth between my two selves all week-”

“You mean all two weeks?” I corrected with a sharp, sarcastic edge to my tone as Derek followed me back into the bedroom. Picking up my messenger bag and black military jacket, I rounded on my cheating husband with raised eyebrows and pursed lips.

         “Listen Derek, I don’t know what to believe anymore. All I know is that after everything that we’ve been through, after Aiden’s death, you just up and disappeared for two weeks without a single message! You could’ve been dead for all I knew!” 

“Oh my god, will you stop talking about Aiden all the time? I’m right here, you know! Besides, you kissed Aiden without the excuse of thinking you were four years younger and in love with him and not me.”

Derek’s words bowled me over like a wrecking ball, knocking the air right out of my lungs like a punch to the stomach, and I stumbled back in shock, my bag dropping to the ground.

“Derek, he’s dead. Could you please lay off for even one second about Aiden?” Tears welled up in my eyes at the fierce glint in Derek’s angry green eyes, and my mind was still reeling with disbelief that he would throw Aiden back at me, now of all times.

“No, I won’t ‘lay off’! You and Aiden kissed. And you spent the night with him, and you hugged him, and you-you had a relationship with him, even if it was mostly friendly-”

“No, it was all friendly, you asshole! Aiden was my best friend, and that was it! God, why are we even having this conversation right now? You know how hard his death has been on me lately-”

“Yeah well too bad. When Erica killed herself you acted like nothing had happened. So why now do you choose to be upset over somebody’s death?” 

“What are you talking about? I was upset after Erica-”

No! You weren’t, Chris! And I know because I was and I had to suffer through it alone because you were all skipping and sunshine and rainbows-”

“That’s not true! If you wanted to talk to me about it I would’ve been there for you!” I cried, distraught at the turn our conversation had taken. I never knew Derek was more upset about Erica’s suicide than he seemed.

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