I Stole The Bad Boys Motorbike

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hey guys, I know it's been ages and I'm really sorry but the internet just doesn't want to work and my computer shuts down randomly :/ Anyway on with the story and thanks everyone who voted I felt amazing :)



Jade's POV

So today I managed to get out of bed and make it to school safely. I breezed past my classes and sat with Racheal at lunch.

She told me stories about Connor from when he was little to now in exchange for my apple pie.

Once the last bell had gone I put my stuff away and headed out the gates to go home.  I walked at a slow pace just taking in all the wonderful nature, when suddenly a car pulls up in front of me.  

The window winds down and a pretty little boy, by the name of Connor sticks his head out the window.

“C’mon Jade let me give you a lift home” Connor asked. “Let me think about it, hmmm how about no”

“Why not?” Connor questions.

“Because I’m perfectly fine walking and my house isn’t that faraway” I reply and keep walking, this time a little faster.

I notice his car over taking me and swiftly turning the corner, out of sight.

I sigh and keep my head down just a bit to watch where I’m going.

 I suddenly feel someone behind me, I turn around to see nothing, I shake my head and keep walking forward.

Until I hit someone. I stumble, but keep my balance. I look up to see a certain someone with a glint in is eye and a smirk on his face.

Before I know what’s going on, I’m thrown over Connors shoulder and he walks casually down the sidewalk to his car and carefully places me in the passenger side.

I huff and try to get out but the troll face as already locked the car and started driving. I sink back in the seat and cross my arms.

“Don’t be like that Doll face” Connor coos, and it makes me want to gag.

“So where do you live?” Connor asks as he keeps his eyes on the road. “In a house” I reply sarcastically.

Connor rolls his eyes “I know that but where?”

“On a road” I smirk again at is annoyed expression. “I will ask one more time, where.do.you.live?”

“If I tell you, you will never believe me”

“Just tell me” Conner whispers as he tries to calm down.

“to my neighbour’s house” I  reply. He takes one look at me and slams the brakes on. He slowly turns to me and I can see him looking a my neck..

I slowly trail my hand up to my neck to trace over the small bump.

I see him lean in and something tells me this is going to be a good time to try reason with him.

But it’s too late and Connor has already towered over me and leaned in so him breath is on my neck. “Maybe I should punish you” he whispers.

Oh god, I should have gone with carful-planning jade today not he’s-being-annoying-so-make-him-angry-Jade


 Hey guys, hope you loved it and please, please, please vote J thanks guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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