My Father (Won't) Hear About This

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A very short one-shot I came up with on the fly.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Taylor asked her boyfriend as she walked into their bedroom.

Harry was startled out of his comfortable position on the bed and locked his phone.

"Oh, uh, n-nothing," he said, not meeting her eyes.

Her eyebrows puckered, but she didn't say what was on her mind.

"I'm doing a load of towels, have you got any to throw in?" she announced, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I'll grab them."

As Taylor sorted through the laundry, she glanced at the silent phone sitting on the bed.  What was he hiding?


"What if he's cheating on me?"

Taylor was fretting over lunch that afternoon with her dearest friend, Selena.

"Impossible.  I've seen how he looks at you.  That boy would rather cut off his right arm than ever be with another girl.  He would follow you to the ends of the earth."

"Yeah?" Taylor asked, feeling pathetic.

"Without a doubt," Selena reassured her.

Taylor sighed.  "If he's not cheating, what is he hiding from me?"

"There's only one way to find out."

Taylor didn't even want to know what her mischievous friend was thinking.

"You take his phone," Selena said, simply.

The blonde shook her head. "I don't want to invade his privacy.  I should just ask him.  I've always sworn that I wouldn't be that kind of girl that doesn't trust her boyfriend and invades his space."

Selena contemplated this.  "Have you talked to Karlie about this?"

"No, you're the first person I told.  What difference would it make?"

The brunette just smirked.


Karlie Kloss showed up at Taylor and Harry's apartment an hour later.

"Is he here?" the model whispered, conspiratorially.

"No, he headed off to the gym a half hour ago," Taylor replied.

"Good, good," Karlie said, nodding.  She made a beeline for the desktop computer.

"What are you doing?" Taylor asked, alarmed by her friend's sudden actions.

By the time the singer had reached her side, Karlie had already pulled up multiple windows on the computer.

"You said you didn't want to look through his phone, right?"

Taylor nodded.

"Well, we can't look through his texts, but his phone's internet is connected to this computer's internet.  Therefore, we can check his search history."

Taylor turned red and buried her face in her hands. "Karlie," she groaned, "This feels dirty.  I don't want to invade his privacy."

Karlie spun in the chair to face her.  "Are you sure?  Because I found something that might interest you.  And it's not what you think."


"What's Drarry?" Selena asked through the phone.

"According to Urban Dictionary, it is a slash relationship between Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter in the Harry Potter fandom," Karlie read off.

"So, he was on a fanfiction site, reading about Drarry, this morning?" Selena asked.

"Yep.  And from the looks of it, it's a pretty smutty fic."

Taylor was still trying to wrap her mind around the latest development in her boyfriend's secret life, but peered over Karlie's shoulder.

Her eyes went wide.  "Oh my gosh!  Who the hell writes this stuff?"

"Lots of people.  From what I'm seeing, it's actually a very popular relationship in fanfiction," Karlie stated.

"I would've never thought."

Selena was trying to stifle her giggles.  "As, um, interesting... as this conversation is, I have to go.  Niall and I have dinner reservations."

"Have fun," the two blondes responded in teasing voices.

"Shut up," she said, laughing, and hung up the phone.

"Speaking of, I need to get back home to my own boyfriend," Karlie said.

She collected her stuff and turned to Taylor.  "Are you going to talk to Harry about it?"

"I dunno.  Maybe," she responded, turning towards the computer.


Hours later, Taylor was shaken out of her Drarry-fanfiction-induced stupor by the front door opening.  She had discovered that she actually liked the fics.

"Honey, I'm home!" Harry called in a high-pitched comical voice.

She smiled and closed out of the webpage.  He broke out into a grin upon seeing her and pulled her into his arms.  She inwardly felt ashamed of herself for ever believing that he could be cheating on her.

He took her by the hand and led her to their bedroom.  "Tell me about your day."


"Hey, babe, is it okay if Ed comes over later?" Harry called to his girlfriend the next morning.

"Of course.  I'm going shopping today, want to come?" she said, coming out of the bathroom.

"Nah, I'm gonna brush up on my GTA skills.  Can't let Weasley beat me."

The reference to the nicknames that Harry and Ed had for each other gave Taylor an idea.


When Taylor got home, she could hear the sounds of shouting and video games coming from the living room.  She went into the bedroom and changed into the new outfit she had bought.

She emerged and walked into the room where Harry and Ed were not playing GTA, but were instead playing Mario Karts.

"I'll beat your arse, Potter!" Ed yelled.

"Not even in your wildest dreams, Weasley!" Harry volleyed back.

"So, if he's Weasley, and you're Potter, am I Malfoy?" Taylor asked, surprising both of them.

Harry turned around and gulped when he saw Taylor decked out in Slytherin robes.  His lust-filled eyes looked her up and down slowly before meeting her eyes and smirking.  The two were vaguely aware of Ed celebrating his victory, but they were already in their own world.  

"Hot damn," was all Harry could say.  He walked closer to her, inclined his head, and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Ed groaned.  "Get a room, you two."

Harry broke away and smirked.  "Oh, we plan on it."

With that, he took Taylor's hand and pulled them into the bedroom.

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