Halloween Nights

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AU where Ed and Niall are on good terms.

Taylor checked Ed's text one more time to make sure that she had the correct time.

hey tay i'm having a hlwn party at my ny house. starts at 10. hope to see you there.

She got in her car at 9:45 and told her driver, Richard, the address.  As they drove, she touched up her makeup in her compact mirror.

"You look very pretty, Ms. Swift," Richard complimented her.

"Aw, thanks, Richard.  I'm a little nervous that my costume isn't original enough, though.  I mean, every girl wants to be Sandy from Grease.  I don't want to be dressed the same as another girl at the party and be featured in one of those "Who Wore It Better" sections of a gossip magazine," Taylor rambled.

Richard chuckled.  "I wouldn't worry.  But, even if someone else is dressed like you, every magazine will agree that you look the most beautiful."

Taylor laughed.  "Thank you."

"Anytime.  We've arrived.  Have a good time and be safe."

Taylor smiled at him and exited the car before entering Ed's house.  The living room was packed and Taylor waved at the people she recognized. 

"Taylorrrrr!" was all she heard before a blur of ginger hair crashed into her. 

She laughed and wrapped her arms around Ed.  "How many beers have you had, Mr. Sheeran?" she asked, in a posh accent.

"Why, Miss Swift, I believe I have only had two," he responded in the same manner.

"You believe?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"There may have been a third."

Laughing, she dropped the accent and asked, "Do you have anything non-alcoholic?  I'd like to keep a clear state of mind tonight."

"Yeah, we've got this odd Halloween punch.  It's the green one with the steam rising up."

"Looks safe," she said, sarcastically.

"Very.  Anyway, I must be going.  People to do, things to see."  He paused.  "Wait, reverse that."

"You sure about that?"

"Not really."  He winked at her and sauntered off.

Taylor headed for the refreshment table to get some punch.  As she was pouring it, a voice behind her said, "Sandy!" in the way that John Travolta did in the movie.
(wasn't sure how to word it so if you are confused, watch the beginning of this scene)

Laughing, she turned to face a man dressed as Danny.  An all too familiar man.  The smile slid from her face.  Harry's green eyes widened when he realized who "Sandy" was.

"T-Taylor, wow.  Hi," he said, still in shock.

"Harry.  Hi."

They stood in front of each other, each of them having a million things to say, but nothing coming to mind.

"You know, I've got this, uh, thing, that I've, um, got to get to," Taylor said lamely, gesturing vaguely behind her.

"Yeah, yeah, I've got a thing, too.  Not the same thing.  Different thing; other direction."  Harry also made vague gestures over his shoulder.

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