» .4 What Id do For Wifi«

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Jade is the cashier? I didn't know she worked here! And there other cashier is closed so she's my only option. Well, I could walk an hour to the next Starbucks location...

"Next!" She said and I walked up to her.

Me: Hi Jade.

Jade: hi how may I help you? (Smiles)

Me: A pink drink.

Jade: sure thing! It'll be right up!

Me: Thanks... don't spit in it. *fake smile*

Jade: No promises *fake laugh*

I walked away and sat down and she soon brought me my drink.

Brea: Thanks. Hope I don't get sick when I drink this!

Jade: fingers crossed!

Jade: I guess you're still talking to your imaginary friends? *laughs*

Brea: He's real and I even have proof.

Jade: then prove it, Breanna.

Brea: I dint have to prove anything to you.

Jade: that just shows your scared because no one makes friends on Instagram and you're just trying to seem relevant when you've lost all your friends.

Brea: I'll even show you his page, he real.

Jade: Go ahead Brea. Show me some random boy's Instagram page. *laughs*

I opened up my phone and opened Lance's Instagram page.

I shoved it in Jade's face.

Brea: see! He's real.

Jade: I bet you don't even know him.

Brea: I do-

I was cut off by my phone ringing.

Incoming call from Lance 💙

I smirked at Jade and pressed answer.

Brea: Hello? Lance?

Lance: Hey brea. The wedding is over so you wanna video chat now.

Brea: of course! *smirking at Jade*

I pressed video call and so did and Lance and his face showed up on my screen. His hair looked perfect and he was wearing a fancy suit.

Brea: Wow Lance. You look great! Are you sure you're not the groom?

Lance: very funny, Brea.

Lance: who are you with.

Brea: oh I just ran into my ex-best friend at Starbucks. Apparently she works here.

Lance: Hi, I Lance.

Jade: I'm Jade,

Lance: so you're The girl who turned on Brea?

Jade: nah. I did nothing to her.

Brea: Oh, please.

Jade: shut up Breanna.

Brea: She didn't think you were real. She thought I was a delusional loner.

Lance: Well you have me Brea. And you're not delusional.

Jade: Okay, you are both throwing major shade at me so I'm going to go hang out with my boyfriend since my shift ended. At least I have a boyfriend, Brea. *smirks and walks away.

Brea: I hate her.

Lance: judging by what she just said to you, I think I do too. Haha

Brea: Yeah, so I'm going to be going to different restaurants that offer free WiFi all day because I'm not going back to my house anytime soon.

Lance: you have to go back, Brea.

Brea: no if I go, I can't talk to you. No wifi, remember?

Lance: Go, Brea. Your parents are probably worried about you. We'll be able to talk tomorrow.

Brea: Fine. Bye Lance.

Lance: Bye gorgeous.

Brea: Imma let that slide just this once.

Lance *smiles*

I hung up the phone and walked back home.

I was glad that I got a bit of WiFi while living in a house with no WiFi and a bit happy that I proved Jade wrong.

A/N: Hey so I didn't really know if I should continue this because like, no one was reading it. Then I got a comment by Brea_boops telling me to update and that made me happy since I realized people are actually reading this, they're just silent readers. 😃 thanks for reading this story!

In Person: A Breance StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ