» .2 Ending Friendships«

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» Breanna «
Lance and I have been chatting on Instagram for a while now and he is really interesting to talk to. I've learned a lot about him and I think we are actually starting a good friendship. I am with Jade right now and she going on and on about Rico.

Jade: Yeah, and the we kissed....it was magical *dreamy sigh*

Breanna: I get it Jade. I don't care what happened on your date.

Jade: Don't be jealous, Brea

Breanna: Jealous!? Why would I be jealous. I don't care about your relationship.

Jade: Oh please, Brea. You're jealous of Ricardo and I because you know that you'll never find someone like him to treat you the way he treats me. You'll never have what we have.

I had to restrain myself from punching the heck out of my best friend. I was getting angrier by the second and just couldn't stop myself.

Jade: What you gotta say, Brea?

Breanna: You know what? I have a friend that is way better than you and doesn't make me feel
bad about what I don't have.

Jade: Oh yeah? And who is that? *laughs*

Breanna: You wouldn't know him. We chat on Instagram.

Jade: Oh! So you've never actually met? How pathetic

Breanna: You know what, Jade? I'm done with you and your pity and rude comments on my life.
Jade: Fine. You never wanted to be my friend anyway.

Breanna: How could you say that, Jade? You know what? I don't want to be you're friend anymore.

Jade: FINE!

Breanna: FINE!

Jade: I have Ricardo anyway. *smiles dreamily*

Breanna: Yeah, so don't come crawling back to me when you two break up. 

I smirked then walked away from her. I hate friends that leave you and think they're all better because they have a boyfriend. And knowing Jade, when her a Rico break up, she'll come back to me telling me everything he did and trying to make me feel sorry for her and I'm life, bitch please. She did it once when they broke up and I took her back. But not this time, honey. Not this time.

I opened my phone to text Lance again. he just makes me feel better all the time and escape reality.

Breanna: Hey lance

Lance: hey Breanna!

Breanna: Whatcha up to?

Lance: Nothing. Just hanging with my friend, Aidan and his girlfriend.

Breanna: Oh. How's that going?

Lance: terrible. All they do is kiss and tell each other how much they love each other.

Breanna: yeah, I know how you feel. Bye ex-bestfriend does that when I'm around.

Lance: Oh? Why aren't you friends anymore

Breanna: Oml we literally just ended our friendship 5 minutes ago.

Lance: Oh really? What happened?

Breanna: She thinks she is all better than me just because she has a boyfriend and I don't care because I know boys don't like me but she's trying to make me feel bad and shit so, I cut her off

Lance: Wow. That's intense

Breanna: Yeah, girls are so dramatic. I'm glad I have a guy friend like you.

Lance: I'm glad I have you too.

Breanna: So how's your day been going?

Lance: Uh, well, actually. I've just finished packing my bags

Breanna: Oh. Why are you packing?

Lance: I'm moving.

Breanna: Oh! To where?

Lance: To L.A so my mom can start her business. I live in Dallas, Texas so

Breanna: You live in Dallas?! I live in Austin!

Lance: SERIOUSLY!? We could have met but now its too late. I have a flight early tomorrow morning and its 8pm

Breanna: Wow. We really have been in the same state and didn't even know :(

Lance: Don't be sad, Brea. We will meet someday.

Breanna: Yeah, I could come to California and  go to Disneyland with you! Ayeeee

Lance: Ayeeeeee!

Lance: Well, I have to go to bed. Got to wake up early tomorrow!

Breanna: Yeah, text me before your flight!

Lance: I will! Byee!

Breanna: Bye, Lance! Have a safe trip!

Right now I'm so sad. Lance and I have both been living in Texas and we never even told each other. Now it's too late because he leaves for California tomorrow.

A/N: Okay so I still don't think anyone will read this cause like, I just joined. I just want to introduce myself to you guys. My name is Ruby and I'm from Maryland, U.S. I really love school of rock and ship Breance so I made this story for you all to read. I really have nothing to do on my free time so I joined Wattpad. SO yeah! Enjoy this story because I will be updating A LOT!

-Bye baes!

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