» .4 What Id do For Wifi«

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» Breanna«

Lance and I have started video chatting lately and I think it's made us connect even more. It used to be just texted and not seeing each other but now it's like we're actual online friends, we'll, we are.

I just turned on my phone and opened my messaging app to text him but it wouldn't work.

Me: No WiFi!? What the heck?

I stood up and stomped downstairs.

Me: Mom. We have no WiFi.

Mom: oh I know. Your father turned it off.

Me: what? Why?

Mom: we think you're too addicted to your phone and texting. So is your brother.

Me: *scoffs* I'm not addicted to texting. I just have a lot of friends.

Mom: oh really? Last time I checked, you and Jade weren't friends anymore.

Me: we aren't. But that doesn't mean I have friends.

Mom: Okay, hun. The WiFi will be down for the next 24 hours so go enjoy nature.

Me:I'll enjoy nature, alright. I'm going to Starbucks where they have FREE WIFI..... and I'll enjoy nature by sitting in outside the restaurant. Close enough get service, BYE!

I ran out of the house and to a nearby Starbucks.

When I got there, I sat inside since they had the air condition on. I quickly got service and tested Lance.

Brea: Hey, sorry I haven't texted you. My WiFi is down til tomorrow

Lance: how are you texting me now then?

Brea: Starbucks.

Lance: 😂 😂

Brea: anyway, how's your day?

Lance: Great actually. How's yours?

Brea: pretty terrible so far. My dad thinks I text too much and shut off the WiFi so...yea

Lance: wow, 😂 😂

Brea: ikr. Well do you wanna video chat?

Lance: um I'm kind of in a place where I can't just start talking on the phone lmao

Brea: oh sorry. Where are you?

Lance: Wedding.

Brea: oh shoot. Sorry.

Lance: haha, it's okay. I'm in the bathroom at the wedding 😂

Brea: oh, I get why you wouldn't want to video chat now. Lol

Lance: Yeah, so when did you get out of school?

Brea: about a week ago.

Lance: I got off two weeks ago.

Brea: lucky MF

Lance: haha, well I gotta go back so I'll call you later, babe.

Brea: Don't call me that. 😐

Lance: autocorrect! I meant Brea.

Brea: sure....

Brea: bye lance!

Lance: bye brea!

I turned off my phone and set it on the table. I sighed and decided to order a drink but when I got to the cashier, I froze. I was next in line.

In Person: A Breance StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin