I was cut off by him clearing his voice.

Color drained from my face in embarrassment.

God! Your such an idiot Evelyn.

"Im sorry to hear of your casualties today miss but I was just wondering if you were okay? I seen you rolling down the hill while I was at the Cuthbert's barn. I just thought you needed some help-"

I cut he off.

"Ha! Help? Who needs help? I don't...nope not me! I'm a Ryan I don't need help." I glance at my appearance noticing my clothes a total wreck and my body shivering form the cold. "Or maybe I do.."I mumble putting my head down in shame.

Shaking my head, finally getting the anger out of me I look back up at the boy.

"I so sorry! I didn't mean to ramble like that. It's just that-"

"No need to explain miss. I understand completely. We all need to yell out sometimes." He says laughing at his laugh comment. "My little sister are the cause of mine." He mumbled to himself.

I smiled up at his tall frame. I was 5'9 but he was definitely a few more inches taller than me.

Holding out my hand I introduce myself.

"I'm Evelyn Ryan's. Pleasure to meet you."

He smiles back taking my hand.

His hands were callused but surprisingly still smooth. And might I add warm.

"Jerry, Jerry Barnard." He states smiling brightly.

Ending the shaking Jerry noticed my shivering so he mentioned how Ms.Cuthbert wouldn't mind helping me change into something less wet and cold.

Taking his offer we headed inside the Cuthbert's home.

"You must be so cold dear! Hear let me get you some of Anne's dresses you can borrow!" Mrs.Cuthbert soothes running up the stairs to fetch the clothes.

Anne always seemed to complain of Marilas snarky remarks and bossy ness but I didn't seem to notice.

Sitting in the living room by the fireplace Anne rants on to me about how Gilbert isn't much of a competition at school and what not but I didn't seem to notice much.

I was too busy thinking about both Gilbert and I's last spoken words to each other.

"-even during the spelling bee I was beating him! Well he did beat me but-" instead of me stopping Anne. Jerry seemed to rush me to it.

"I think we get it Anne." He states sternly leaning against the wall of the room, holding a cup of hot tea in his hands.

"What crawled up your a-" I cut her off.

"Okay! Why don't we discuss something else? How about Christmas? Doesn't that sound interesting?" I ask trying to ease the tension of Jerry and Anne.

I got a response of 'I guesses' and that was the end of that.

After a few more minutes of waiting Marila brings down some of Anne's dresses.

"These maybe a little short on you but they will work for just walking home." She states, handing me the brown Long sleeves dress.

Anne was right, these are so...plain? That's the nicest I can put it.

"Thank you Mrs.Cuthbert." I say taking the dress into my hands.

"There is a bathroom you can change in across the hall." Then she turns away and heads into the kitchen.

Changing into Anne's dress I did notice the change of length. While she was about 5'5-5'7, I out stood her completely. Diana even was a little bit shorter then me. I guess I was the only girl that actually stood a chance with height.

The simple dress came a little bit lower down the knees, but I didn't seem to mind. I rolled up my stockings and slipped on my snow boots.

Walking out to the house I heard Anne gasp.

"That is an awful color on you! Well of course no one looks good in simple brown-"
Anne noticed Jerry's glare at her and shut her mouth.

"You look fine." Jerry says looking at my appearance.

His stare managed to get a small blush out of me.


"Thanks, But Anne's right! This is a awful color." I giggle pinching the dress with disgust.

Anne started to laugh with me too and I got a smirk out of Jerry.

"What's with all this noise?" Ms.Cuthbert yells walking into the hall way.

Now I know what Anne is talking about.

"Sorry Marila!" We all speak trying to hold on our laughs.

She sighs in return looking out the window with her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Evelyn I will have to call your grandmother about where you are. There looks to be a blizzard outside and it's quiet dark out. I think you will have to stay the night-"

"Stay the night! If that would be wonderful! We could do each other's hair and-" Anne was again cut off by Marilas stern glare.


Shaking her head Marila turns her attention back to me.

"Oh I don't want to pry Ms.Cuthbert." I say shaking my head.

"It's okay dear. Jerry stays the night sometimes if the weather is bad, one more child won't be too much."

Without saying another word or waiting for my response she heads into the kitchen to call my grandma.

"This will be so wonderful! Come on let's get set up in my room!" Anne says grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs.

I look over my shoulder at Jerry smirking at us. And I just roll my eyes at him.

This is going to be a long night.

We finally get to meet Jerry! Yayyy!

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