we stan a tech gal

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There I was sitting in the counselors getting scolded about pudding. It's not my fault, when I'm sad I eat, doesn't everyone?
"Kid, why did you eat all the pudding? And don't just say 'you were hungry' cause David and I, well actually just me... Can call you out on that bullshit."
"Oh god he forced you to eAt tHe puddinG"
I shook my head no.
"No David he did not force me to eat all the pudding he threatened to tell everyone..." I paused for dramatic affect bUt Gwen interrupted. "TeLL evEryoNe whAt?"
"I'm related to camer-"
"Well thanks for interrupting me David."
I sighed,"You know, there was a reason I didn't want people knowing I was related to him. He's a crook, and I don't wanna be veiwed the same."
Gwen laughed, "Honey, little ol David here idolizes your uncle and I don't really give a crap, I doubt people are gonna see you differently"


"wHY didn't yOu tell us!! Is it cause you and you're uNClE have a secret evil alliance." Nikki shouted.
Not gonna treat me different my ass Gwen.
"Maybe I didn't tell you cause I don't like being related to a heartless creep who just lies, steals, and cheats all the time!"
"Well jeez sorry (y/n) I was just teasing..." Nikki's face dropped and she kinda ignored me for the rest of the time I sat at her table. Neil was heading over with Max so I thought it would be best to leave. Not judt cause things were awkward between Nikki and I, but for you know, asshole reasons.
I started walking over to my group and I could instantly hear Preston's loud girly voice complaining about something.
As much as I loved him, he was kinda annoying.
"fINALLY yOuRE HeRE! Please tell me you are gonna be apart of my production of Romeo and Juliet II: Love Resurrected! Nerris as Ered don't want to cause it's 'not cool'." He glared toward the two girls who weren't really paying attention to notice.
"Eh, if you haven't noticed Preston I'm not really someone who likes to be on stage. But if it makes you feel better, I'll work tech crew! I can do everyone's makeup and add cool sfx."
Preston looked like he was at the verge of tears. "You'd really do that for me?"
I nodded, "Obviously,  you're like my best friend. I would do anything for you."
Next thing I knew I was engulfed in a bear hug.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you! Hey do you think you could help me with casting?"

*yeet there should be another chapter later today which is the more episode based one*

Life Sucks But You Make It Better - Max x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat