"If you already have an advisor you don't need me" you said before a voice sneered from behind you.

"Phut is not in the mindset to continue doing her job to the standard needed, why are you so against this? You either train well and succeed her or end up in the dungeons, even if we let you back to your old life what good would it do? Your income would be shut off, your clients wouldn't trust you" he argued.

You looked up and towering over you was... High Priest Seto. You uttered under your breath frustrated by his words and how right he was. You didn't want to undertake the great task that was being thrown at you but where else could you go? A woman's only worth in this land was her price as a bride...

"I trust her to you, go easy she has just arrived" Isis spoke.

"The world isn't going to go easy on her Isis and neither will I, come on" he barked.

You supposed you had no choice and you stood following him in silence back inside the palace. This time you went down, it was darker here until it opened into a large room with a huge sandpit square in the middle. Thankfully your heel was much better, it seemed it was just a minor twist.

"This is the training room, this is where soldiers are trained and tested for the army, as an advisor power is your first priority, if you are a liability on the field how will the men ever follow your word?" he looked down.

Around you soldiers stood as Seto led you to the sand and passed you a weapon, a long golden spear, instructing you.

"This will serve as your weapon, a spear can be used as both good offence and defence, how you use it is crucial, these first tests will determine your skill already" he announced before leaving you waving as a soldier stepped into the sand to face you, a weapon also in his hand.

He was serious, he was seriously going to put you against the Pharaoh's army. You sighed to clear your thoughts and adopted a stance which gave you more favourable balance ready for defence.

"Begin!" Seto shouted and with it the soldier charged.

You were smaller and weaker than him but made up for it in speed. Ducking and dodging you used your prior knowledge and natural instincts to block, metal clanging off metal, swinging the spear in your hand you blocked one attack and moved forward elbowing the man in the gut before swiping his leg out from under him. You spun the spear around again and with a foot squarely on the man's back pointed the tip at his neck. You looked up at Seto hoping that would make him see you as more than just some 'whore'.

"Well if you couldn't even take down a trainee I wouldn't waste my time teaching you" he smirked, of course he wouldn't praise you.

The next soldiers came and you dispatched of each, climbing the ranks gaining confidence with each one. You stood defiantly looking at the high priest smugly.

"At least give me a challenge Priest" you said and were surprised to see him descend taking a spear off a soldier on the way and place himself in front of you.

"Beating a few one on one fights and acting confident will make you careless, have confidence when you've earned it" he sneered and came at you.

Within moments the air was knocked from you and you were on your back looking at the ceiling wondering what just happened, a dull ache spreading through your back. You cursed and pushed yourself up gripping your spear.

"You're a million years too early to take on me girl, you may have done well for an untrained child but you have much to learn" He laughed and you weren't happy at more insults.

"Again" you demanded this time you made the attempt.

Time and time again you had a face full of sand. Your body ached and your arms trembled as you tried to push yourself up. The grains and attacks left small stinging cuts in various places but you couldn't allow yourself to give up just because you were knocked down a few times.

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