The Royal Party Arrives

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Everyone was rushing around the castle, panicking. I did not understand why they left everything to the last minute if they knew the Royal Family and their party would be coming today. At least we were given an exact day.

If someone told me to wear a dress one more time, I was going to stab their eyes out so they could not see my appearance and complain about it. Everyone knew that I did not wear dresses unless necessary and I only own two, so wearing a pretty dress in the muddy courtyard seemed a bit stupid.

As I walked through the castle, trying to figure out where the man that would cut my brother's hair was, I almost tripped over my own feet. I laughed at myself as I finally found the right room. When I walked in I found Robb, Jon and Theon shirtless.

"Well, this is certainly what I wanted to see," I said, sarcastically. "Jon, when you are ready, it would be appreciated if I could speak to you. It is not of high importance, but I just need someone to speak to."

Jon looked at Robb and then back at me, as did Theon. Everyone knew what Robb had said to me, but I had insisted to Father that I knew Robb meant nothing by it. That was a lie. If Robb had not truly meant what he said then he would try apologising, but he has not done so yet.

A moon had come and passed, but he had not spoken to me and I had not spoken to him. I was not going to be the first one to break the silence because I owed no apology unless I got mine first. I knew that I was being stupid and petty, but the words had cut me deeply.

"Valyria, just forgive him," Jon whispered to me, holding onto my arm and pulling me close. "Robb is too afraid to apologise. He thinks that you will do more than strike him if you think he is lying. Please end your feud."

Robb seemed to know what Jon had said and looked at me, his blue-grey eyes filling with sadness. I knew my twin brother was sorry, but I was going to continue being petty because I am still upset. He just needed to say three words.

"Valyria, I am sorry," Robb told me, honestly. "It has been a moon and we have both been stupid and childish by refusing to speak to each other, but we both know that I did not mean what I said. I was just seeing what the name would sound like. Please, can you forgive me?"

"What you said cut deep," I told Robb, coldly. "The fact that you would take Sansa's side in all of this when you know that I am telling the truth and that I am right cuts even deeper. I can forgive you and put it behind us, but I am not sorry for punching you. You were being a down right little prick and you deserved that."

Robb joined Jon and Theon with their laughter and I smiled at my twin. Then Robb pulled me into a hug, so I had to hug him back. Tommy, the barber, cleared his throat as he finished shaving Theon.

"Well, I must be going," I said. "Apologies for taking my time, Tommy."

With that, I quickly walked out of the room and outside, to the courtyard.


Sansa was beginning to get on my nerves again, so I had come out to the Godswood with Ice. I was going to go hunting at first, but then I realised the flaw in my plan. The Royal Family and their party could arrive at any time.

No one else was in the Godswood, so I went over to the Heart Tree. It was a large weirwood tree with long branches. The leaves of the tree looked like thousands of bloody hands, which was creepy by itself. Then there was the face that was carved into the tree, which I thought looked like it was in a permanent shriek. From the cuts where the eyes were, red sap was running down and making it look like it was crying tears of blood.

I took a seat under the tree and looked at the pond, which was always dark and murky, showing no signs of life, such as fish or frogs. That added mystery to the Godswood, but I liked it here. It was a nice, peaceful place where I could pray to my gods.

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