Chapter 14: The Truth Brings Hope and Pain

Start from the beginning

She shoved his shoulder, "There are a lot of things you don't know about me flake head."

He chuckled warmly and nodded then turned his attention up. The moon was full that night, showing like a beam in the still night. "Do you talk to him?"

Katherine stopped to look up, pulling her scarf tighter as she peered up at the sky. "Tsar?" She questioned, "I do, sometimes. He sends moonbeams to my room, much like he sends leaves and the wind to you."

Jack dropped his eyes and turned to her, "We never used to talk, not like this, not before I became a Guardian. For three long centuries, he remained quiet."

Katherine looked at him sympathetically, "I'm sorry; you must have felt so alone."

"Most of the time I did." He answered, putting his hands into his snow filled jacket. He walked on. "There were always the leaves and the wind and of course other spirits. Sometimes I played with the kids and pretended they spoke to me." He dropped his gaze to his feet. "But it's not the same."

They stood there in silence, the whistling wind filling her ears. His shoulders slumped a little. Taking a deep breath of cold air she wrapped her arms around his, hugging it gently. "You aren't alone now." She murmured into his arm. Kailash squawked in her parrot-like form on her shoulder, as if to say she was sorry.

He looked down at her and smiled. And all at once something snapped.

All he did was look at her, smiling in a way that seemed not at all childish. It was like lightning struck her, she stared at him, mouth agape. His brow knitted at her open mouth stare. "Everything okay?"

She just continued to gape at him, eyes wide, she finally managed to stutter. "Yes--I mean No!" She grabbed her head and looked away.

He put a hand on her shoulder, "Do you need something, a glass of water maybe?"

No, I need for you to stop looking at me! She thought crudely, but instead, she said, "I-I think I just need to go home. Get some rest." She slipped her arm from his, hurrying up the sidewalk.

"I can walk you there."

"No!" She swirled around, and he stepped back "I, thank you. I can get there on my own." She smiled a little. "See you late?"

He didn't seem so ready to answer, but he finally said, "Of course, we're still on for Friday right?"

"Perfect. See you then!" She walked speedily away.

"Get better soon!" He called from behind her. She waved to show she acknowledged him then disappeared around the corner. As soon as she was out of sight, she ran, determined to get home as fast as she could. She had to know it was just her imagination, that it wasn't him. She opened the door to her apartment. Kailash transformed into her standard shape as soon as they were inside, slamming the door closed with her rump. But Katherine hardly noticed. Kailash jumped from behind the couch, turning to her mother with a grouchy look in her eye.

Katherine ignored it; instead, she ran to her desk and pulled out binders. "Where is it? Where is it?" She murmured binders and papers flung from her desk. Kailash squawked again, this time pushing Katherine with her beak. Katherine finally reached to the bottom, unwilling to admit that she knew the book was there all time. Opening it up she began to flip through the worn pages of sketches. Finally, she stopped, her eyes falling on a particular one of Nightlight. It was the first time she had seen him without his armor. A new white shirt given to him by North hung a little loosely on, but fit him just right around the shoulders. He wasn't as broad as North was, but North had also been more muscular when he formerly owned the shirt.

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