Chapter 13: Sorrow Brings Joy To All

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The forest was abuzz with activity. Kids ran about, screaming and squealing as they threw snowballs or climbed trees.

Katherine looked at the kids, "Jack?" She called.

"Up here!"

Turning she looked up to see Jack standing at the top of a tree with a bunch of other kids. They shook the branches shaking down snow and ice. Katherine pulled down her hood.

"What are you doing here? We were supposed to--"

"Hang on a second!" Jack grabbed a kid by his pants, straightening him in the tree before he called down. "Why don't you come up so we can talk better!"

Katherine surveyed the tree crudely. It's thick trunk spread out into the sky like crude arms. "If it is all the same to you, I would rather speak down here."

He rolled his eyes and looked at a boy who smirked back. Katherine felt herself go a little purple at this but bit back a crude remark.

"Alright, be right down bookworm."

He gave the kid a few pointers before jumping down, landing comfortably next to her on his own two feet.

"Are you sure that's safe?" She glanced at the old tree.

He chuckled, "Sorrow? He's great, believe me when I say that tree's been through a lot worse."

She cocked her head, at it, "Why is it called that?"

He took her hand smiling. "I'll show you!" He dragged her around the Bracken and under some of the trees heavy branches. It was almost as if its branches were a wall. When she finally got to the other side of the massive tree she was greeted by a large gaping hole like the tree was wailing, and two tiny knothole eyes.

The kids were still climbing all over, laughing and swinging their legs. She looked up once, but Jack pulled her toward the hole.

"Come on!"

She resisted him, her eyes trained on the branches.

"Don't worry about them Kat, Sorrow will protect them."

Katherine finally followed him, climbing into the dark hole of the tree. Inside she saw above her the two knot holes, letting in some dim grey light.

"Just a second." A moment later the entire space was lit by a bright yellow flame. Inside of the tree was much cozier then she would have expected. Blankets and stuffed animals along with pillows lay scattered all over in an arrangement of different colors. He plopped down on a large red couch cushion waving to another with his staff.

Katherine attentively sat on the cushion, still looking at the walls of the tree. She saw a few drawings and scraps pinned to the wall which must have been drawn by the children. She crossed her ankles awkwardly and leaned back. "You live in here?"

"Yep!" Jack said adjusting a stuffed bear, "Its filled with treasures I have found all over. Watch this!" He pointed his staff at the lantern and the light inside bounce all over the inside of the tree in a kaleidoscope of shapes. Katherine gasped as she stared at the tree, the lights sparkling in the perfect formation of the night sky. Jack leaned back, "This tree has been around for as long as I could remember. I speak to it sometimes, it was my only friend for a very long time."

Katherine bit her lip.

"But it's okay!" The boy sat up, crossing his legs as he did. "I have lots of friends now, and the kids love this tree." He smirked, and she turned away.

"You said it was called sorrow?"

"Yep?" He repeated, "It's been called that for as long as I can remember." He cocked his head to the side. "Why?"

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