Wars with Canada and Siberia

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Me: Okay everyone! Here is a letter from Angel! Speaking of which... *looks around* Where is she?!

Canada *tries to hide from Maria* have you gotten into an argument that turns into a full blown war?

Me and Romano: YES!

Feli and Canada: Well...

Me: Okay, this is what happened-Mattie and Feli were fighting about which is better, maple syrup or pasta, and the next thing me or Romano know, there's a war happening.

Romano: We kept it on the down-low because, well, it was a stupid thing to fight over.

Feli and Canada: WHAT?! WHY?!

Romano: Everyone knows that tomatoes are the best!

Feli: NO, PASTA!


Me: *groans* Thanks alot Angel. Now I have to seperate them again...or...RUSSIA!

Russia: *pops up behind me* Da?

Me: *jumps* SHIT! *twirls around* *points* Break them apart.

Russia: Uh...da, okay... *goes over and tries to pull them apart 

Me: *smiles evilly* Next we have a letter from ShyMapleLeaf

Sarah-chan: *smiles Innocently/Evilly at Matthew* Privyet!! I'm Russia's Sister, Siberia!! Call me Sarah-chan~ We have three questions for you guys!! To everyone (Including you Maria), is there a chance that a State or Nation can be a Queen Angel or something? Piri: Kuya Spain, Kuya America, and Kuya Japan, Why do you have to kill my Natives and People just to get Power?!?! Venice: Ciao!! Si, I'm an Italian state...So reactions everyone? It can either be Good or Bad~ *hides her Mafia and Pirate Mode to herself* (Sorry for the long questions.. )

 Me: Oh, you're fine!~

America: And trust us, Middle Italy is trying to get a country names after her.

Russia: *has gotten Feli, Romano, and Canada to stop fighting* Privet sister Siberia!

America, Spain, and Japan: *pales* W-well...

Me: They don't have a good answer, so don't worry about it.

Romano, Feli, and I: *glomps Venice* CIAO SORELLA!

Germany, Spain, and Japan: How many sblings do you three have?!

Russia and Belarus: THERE'S MORE OF THEM?!

France, America, Canada, and England: *pales* Oh no.

China: Ai-yah.

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