Chappy One

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3rd POV

The Galaxy One arrived at (name)'s location and once again the static was replaced with a voice but this time the voice was female "hello i'm Quinn we'll have you aboard shortly" (name) heard another voice in the back round "let me speak to them i'm the captain" (name) could hear a robotic voice saying something about flame throwers. Quinn sighed and started talking again "i'm going to hand the radio over to another person okay?" (name) replied "okay". (name) could hear a rustling sound as if two people where fighting over the intercom the rustling stopped and a voice rang out "Hello Im Captain Gary- DON'T TOUCH MY COOKIES- sorry about that, just some bag of wet turds stealing my cookies speaking of cookies i heard you like cookies" (name) chuckled "yes that is correct" Gary went silent for a second "how old are you? you sounds to much like a child to be an adult" (name) said "Im 15 years old" ((i'm making both little Cato and you 15 deal with it))


Little Cato's POV/3RD POV

"I wonder who the person is hopefully they're not like KVN because he's annoying as hell" Little Cato Thought. "Hopefully they're a boy" Little Cato shot up in the air after hearing a crash Landing on all fours "I probably should go greet them and by greet them I mean punch them in the face"

(Name) POV
I walked into the galaxy 1 and immediately was greeted by a yellow robot shoving a cookie into his processor slot "hi I'm KVN Gary's deep insanity avoidance conpanion do you like cookies I do because they're just sooooooo good"

((Ok imma leave it off here I'm tired and I ran outa Ideas))

Cookies (Final Space - Little Cato x reader) Being RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now