Royal blood

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I carefully grab my mirror, ready to hang it up! I put the mirror on wall. "And thats perfect" I mutter staring at my ugly reflection. My brown hair falling on my shoulders, my summer dress falling over my far too short legs. My freckles able to be seen in the lighting of room. My green orbs sparkling. "Im so ugli!" I shout my father who probably doesn't care about me walks in and says I am beautiful. I don't believe him. I've finally turned 17 and I'm ready to take one my life!

Today is the first day of school and I'm utterly a nobody. I walk in to the school and everyone turns their head to look at me. "She's so pretty!" I hear a boy mutter. "Wowza id tap thet!" I hear presumably a jock say from behind me. I feel a bluch creep on my face as I approach my locker, right in front of it is a couple kissing. A hot boy and a ditzy blonde. The ditzy blonde looks at me. "Are you gunna just stare?" I sheepishly look away. She scoffs and leave. The boy lingers around gifting me a few glances. He leaves

-time skip bc school isn't important-

A girl with brown hairs comes up to me. "Do you have a crush in thet guy u saw earlier?" She asked hesitantly.
I can't bring myself to say it si I just look away from her red eyes, blushing. "Omg you totally do!!!" She shouts as the entire hall looks at us. "Shh" I sush. "His name is Camera! You should avoid him though, he's bad. Plus he dates Chan, the dumb blonde." She says, slightly whispering. News to me, he looks cool. "I'm Vernoni btwubs!" The girls says, 'Vernoni'. "I'm Deahdfgrjefkwngeerioigjf!" I smile. Her eyes widen. "The Deahdfgrjefkwngeerioigjf?" I nod, wondering what she's referring 2. "You're a princess!!" She says. My heart stops. Omg they're roommates. I mean, OmG imma princess. I run out of the school and go back home even though I take the bus lmao. My mom is still home. She should be leaving soon. I open the dor. "Mom am I a princess??" I yell out too lazy to look for her. "Yeet yeet!" She yells back. Omg I'm a princess!!?!?!?  Still standing in the doorway I feel an intense pain in my leg. I look down and see blood. It's horrific, almost as if I've never seen blood before. And then everything goes black.

Lmao thx 4 reeding 1th chap m9 leev fav if u liek okii bii

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