I turned off my phone and just decided close my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep. I looked at Millie and she was there blushing, probably blushing because of Jacob's cringy cheesy texts, I then looked away and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Y/n" I then heard Millie talked.

"Goodnight Mills!" I looked at Millie and gave her a smile, she then smiled back and looked back at her phone screen.

This time I was going to sleep at literally 6 PM, I closed my eyes and just want to sleep but...my phone vibrated, goddamn I always forget to turn off my wifi.

I looked at my phone and it was...it was a reply from Finn in iMessage!  A smile suddenly appeared on my face, I quickly opened my phone and opened iMessage.


6:58 PM

Goodnight Y/n


please, im rlly sorry

sorry its all my fault and i understand

7:00 PM

I accept your apology okay? I just
need some alone time okay? I'm not
mad at you or anything and it's not
your fault.

Thats what i want to hear, atleast
you're not mad at me. Thx finnie

Goodnight Y/n 😊

Goodnight Frogface

Mike is better...


Okay, now I can happily fall asleep, sounds so sad to me but I don't care. I'm gonna sleep


"Join me please!" Millie begged for the fourth time now, she wants me to go swimming...AT 4 AM.

"Mills, I need sleep" My voice was raspy, I turned my back at Millie and covered my whole body with my long blanket.

"Please! Watch the sunrise while we swim! How aesthetic" Millie gave me a reason, okay that reason is reasonable.

"I know it's aesthetic but I am so comfy right now! This bed, pillow and blanket is so comfy and plus, the air conditioner is cold!" I explained to Millie.

"Hmmm, okay Y/n. I'll go swim on the ocean with the sun rising and it will be so aesthetic that I'll post something in Insta!" Millie teased me as she stood up and made slow and loud footsteps to make me jealous.

"I'm turning the door knob!" Millie kept on teasing me and kept on gasping.

"Okay! I'm leaving! Bye Y/n! I'm gonna swim with the sun rising and ---"

"FINE I"LL GO!" I shouted as I took off the blanket and stood up. Millie then started to celebrate and cheer.

"YIPEE! Now go wear the bikini that Finn bought you!" Millie said excitedly and kept on jumping.

You rolled your eyes and smiled.

"Okay okay" You went straight to the bathroom, your bikini was in the bathroom still wet but you had one bikini so you wore the kinda wet bikini and it was COLD.

You stepped out of the bathroom looking like a weirdo with your arms out and your whole body was shaking.

"God damn this is co--"

"OKAY LET'S GO!" Millie said then out of nowhere, she grabbed your wrist and went straight outside.

As you stepped outside, the first thing you saw was the orange sky and below it was the beautiful blue ocean. It was so beautiful that you could cry.

You and Millie stared at each other and smiled.

Seeing the orange sky with the blue ocean is just perfection.

You and Millie started to walk slowly towards the ocean but behind you, you heard a door opened.

You stopped walking but Millie just continued to walk, you turned around and what you saw made you shook and smile at the same time.


u can hate me for this cliffhanger...

but i love y'all!!!1!!1!!1 💞💞💞

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