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underlines mean the author is narrating about What would happen in real life.
Italics mean the author telling the story about the cloud.

Can it rain? Just this second. Just for a little while, and I don't want it to stop. I want it to be pouring, with booming thunder and crackling lightning. I want it to shake the earth, the kind of thunderstorm that makes people cower in fear of the sky raining hell on them. But I just want to be alone. Surrounded by the rain. Not giving a damn if I'm soaking wet or I have the chance of getting hit by lighting. It's just rain, what harm can it do? I want the soft pitter patter of the water droplets hitting the window as I'm deep in my thoughts to focused to notice the loud crackling and thunder that would normally frighten me. I want to be able to connect in some way to the rain. To have something so special you only see it when the clouds cry and they get angry.
I can imagine it...
The clouds fighting one another causing the lighting. The loud cheers of the popular ones as they fight, being the thunder. And all alone in the corner a sad little cloud not getting noticed, which lets the rain fall. The little cloud has a nonexistent backstory, one nobody understands, even herself. She constantly fights for the bigger better clouds and gets nothing in return, Which makes her cry. One day another little cloud noticed her and they instantly became friends. day after day, her tears dried up and there was no more rain .... and that's how I lost concentration .... the little cloud got its heart broken by the other and it started to rain again. She moved along slowly looking for a better cloud. Until one day the popular noticed her, and it stopped raining for a few days. Then came the thunderstorms and Lighting and rain all mixed in one .... i would become focused again .... They had a fight. Lies were spread about the little cloud and no one believed a word she said .... The rain only grew harder and the familiar pitter patter of the light rain turned into large balls of snow .... her heart had turned cold. The rain now turning into something harder and more solid. She was getting harder to break but was still raining on the inside. One day she decided to step down from the destruction. Then, She became a beautiful snow cloud .... it would be to cold to go outside but I still do it anyway. I later would regret my decision as I come down with a cold and I get stuck in bed .... she regretted her decision for stepping down because then she was invisible. And the rain started again. It was harder than before, but the light pitter patter of the rain was still present .... And that's when the night would mess with my mind and make me think strange things even though I was focused on something else. The darkness would make me say things I didn't want to, And make me believe things I didn't want to. It would be difficult .... But the little cloud got through it. She made it out of the difficulties. The rain stopped .... I would become unfocused and the darkness of the night take over. It would confuse my thoughts and make sure I could barley concentrate on anything. My mind would start spinning with doubts and questions in the silence. The rain would have filled the room if it hadn't gone, and I wouldn't have been in the state i would have currently been in. The room would look like it was spinning as I gazed up at the celling wondering what was wrong with me .... the little cloud found another cloud. He was amazing and kind. He made thunder and lighting along with rain, when she asked for it and made sure she went to sleep knowing he cared. That cloud was the first one she trusted. The only cloud she trusted. He learned everything about her, like how she made beautiful snow storms when she was at her happiest. Or how she made the pitter patter rain when she was sad and the large rain when she was hurting on the inside. He learned that the little cloud made small harmless thunderstorms when she was mad because she could never stay mad at him. He learned everything. And the same went for her. The little cloud admired how the bigger one was so confident at times but could break down with one single sentence. She learned his weaknesses and together they were unstoppable .... At this point I would be in a downward spiral. My mind to far down it can't pull itself up. I would get lost in my thoughts and my head would start to hurt. I would ignore the pain and keep staring at the celling every so often checking my phone to see if I would get a text back.,, my mind knowing it would never happen because of the doubts in my head .... The two clouds ruled the world and they made there decision. Together the two became one and the sky lit up so bright that night. They had created a star. I bright yellow star that would dry up the rain and clear the sky's of negativity. They became known as the sun. They provide light for every surrounding universe and planet, and surpassed the clouds. Together they could do anything. And with that, they became the greatest star known to clouds .... My head would still be pounding but I would start to drift off. My mind still full of thoughts that would turn into dreams I wouldn't remember in the morning. After not getting enough sleep. I would wake up and wish the rain hadn't left. And I would wish that the darkness wouldn't take over at a point and I would be able to focus without the rain and only with the sun. I would connect with the rain in a way no one else could. And it would be special to me, and only to me.

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