One one of my off days, I was able to sit at home with her and assess her, but she kept saying she was fine, just headaches. Adrien even took a day off from work to be with her too, and she told him the same thing.

It was as if she was beginning to change, little by little. Marinette was always one to know herself the best, and would point out if something were wrong, only to find a solution. Pushing away a clear issue is not characteristic of her at all.

One day, I came home to Adrien telling me how she was hallucinating, almost. She would point to spots on her arm, completely sure they were bed bug bites, but there was nothing. She started freaking out about a drip in the sink too, pointing whenever one apparently dripped. Adrien and I both knew very well that there was nothing there.

A few weeks later, it was my anniversary with Nino, so we went out to the town, and I spent the night at his place - it was closer to the restaurant and club we went to, and we just wanted to crash for the night.

I woke up the next day to a phone call from Marinette's mother, saying my best friend of ten years had seized.

Yes, as in had a seizure over night.

And you would have no idea how fast I ran out of Nino's apartment and to my car to drive the two of us to the hospital. In her room, Tom was holding her hand while sitting in a chair beside the bed, Sabine was next to him, stroking her fingers through Marinette's hair.

Adrien, on the other hand, was a complete emotional mess mess; he was sitting on another chair in the side of the room, eyes bloodshot, face tearstained. My reporter instincts kicked in again, and I sat with him to question him. There had to have been something that led up to that seizure, and the weird behavior too.

He mentioned how in the middle of the night, Marinette was muttering incoherent words and random phrases in the middle of the night, arms stretched out in front of her. He turned to face her and asked what was wrong, and she was unresponsive until her muscles began spazzing and her eyes rolled behind her head.

In a quick rush, he called an ambulance immediately and they took her to a hospital to facilitate her condition and conduct tests. He dialed her parents who arrived shortly after, it was roughly three in the morning.

He said it was truly horrific, he was too petrified to do anything as the love of his life was in such a terrible condition he had never seen before, but there's a reason the vows say "through sickness and in health."

The doctors blamed it on drinking. They belittled Tom and Sabine for raising a child reckless to the point that she would over drink and party too much, so they gave her a basic medication and sent her off.

She returned back to work, once again being sent home by Mr. Agreste for being in an "unsuitable condition," and even telling Adrien to keep a close eye on her.

She was even said to have screamed irrational words in the middle of work, stand on tables, and cry right after. She was recommended to a psychiatric doctor to get checked out for her abnormal behavior.

It had gotten to the point in which her boss knew this wasn't her. Although it was clearly her screaming profanities within a quiet and professional environment, he knew that she would never in her right mind do anything as unfounded as what she had done.

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