Truth be told, Logan often felt the same way about Scott, but as leader he had learned not to say it out loud. Well, he had learned to say it much less often is perhaps more accurate. Sometimes he also agreed with Scott's assessment of Remy, but again he was forced not to take sides and remain impartial.

Sometimes being a leader sucked.

Rogue didn't mind the conflict though, and lord knew she had no room to talk!

The truth is though, that no family is perfect, not even those who were voluntarily together. If anything, she now felt more at home among the X-Men since Remy's had joined them, than she had since Logan left and the mansion had exploded.

And for some unknown reason, she had grown closer to Storm, Jean, and especially Kitty. Perhaps it was because she finally understood an aspect of their lives that had previous been unknown to her, dating, or perhaps more accurately, love (though Rogue didn't often admit to that in public, or to anyone really, other than Remy). Or perhaps it was because they could relate to her a little more now that she too was in the minefield that is relationships. Or maybe (and she was loathed to believe this) but maybe it was because her attitude was softening a little and they didn't have to worry quite so much about her losing her temper. Whatever the reason, she was feeling much more comfortable with them.

Of course, as much as she loved her adopted family, she knew their flaws as well as anyone could and she really didn't want them to make a bad impression on Remy's family.

Rogue's tension must have shown in her kiss because Gambit didn't reciprocate and pulled away.

"Chèr?" he looked puzzled.

Rogue sighed and tucked herself into his side, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Come on, you can tell me," he prompted.

"I'm worried about Logan," she admitted.

That only confused Remy even further. "He's a big boy, I think he can handle a road trip."

"No," she leaned up on her elbow so that she was looking down at him. "What if he starts a fight or something? Or breaks some of the furniture? He doesn't even need to lose his temper, some of the furniture is really delicate and looks expensive, and he's made of adamatium, which isn't exactly light."

"Most of the furniture is a century or more old, I think it can survive three days with Logan. And if not, I'll replace it."

"You can't just replace antiques," she argued.

"Chère, even if Logan did the dance of the seven veils on top of the dining table, my family will not blame you for it. They like you, remember? If anything, Logan being an ass will make they feel sorry for you and take you even further under their wing."

Rogue didn't believe him, but his words did sooth her nerves a little.

Remy turned her onto her back and began to kiss her neck, leaving a trail warm kisses over her collar bone and down to her breasts.

"Remy," she tried to sound firm but it came out as more of a whine. "We have to get to breakfast."

"Non," he paused briefly in his ministrations. "If we go down late we can eat in the kitchen, then Tante will get to meet you. Plus, you have a lot of nervous energy, chèr, and it's my duty as your boyfriend to help you work it off."

"Oh? Well, that's very selfless of you."

Remy flashed her a wolfish grin. "That's the kinda guy I am, chèr. Now quiet, men are at work here."

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