loki×reader×bucky #92

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Here is a little but not so little story for entertainment while I finish typing up the rest of the imagines. After all of them are up I will be gone for a while again but will be back. Sorry for making Bucky the bad guy. I hated making him the jackass.

Love Triangles
By: (y/f&l/n)

"Love is a troublemaker. It creates a connection and then some how destroys it like a stink bomb. A love triangle makes things disappear like the Bermuda Triangle. One minute a ship is sailing the next it disappears. Then the next ship comes and disappears."

As you typed away at your computer sitting your back against the bed frame and legs crossed a knock was at your door.

You: who is it?
"It's Bucky. Can I come in?"
You: sure thing love.

He opens the door slowly then shuts it coming over to the other side of your bed laying next to you looking weirded out.

You: what happened Buck?
Bucky: I had another nightmare.

You use your now free hand to comb through his new short hair as you scrolled through your blog humming a song to put Bucky to sleep.

Bucky: you working?
You: yep. Gotta finish this blog before tomorrow so the boss doesn't throw a pissy fit.
Bucky: if he does just wipe his mind and act like the boss and fire him.
You: *laughs* you know I only use that for negotiations.
Bucky: (y/n).
You: hmm.
Bucky: do you hate me?
You: of course not. You are my friend. Why would you ask that?
Bucky: I know that sometimes I can be annoying and a handful and
You: Buck.

You save your blog and shut the computer putting it aside.

You: was your nightmare of me hating you.
Bucky: yeah. And leaving me. And it was so real.
You: But Buck I would never do that. Aren't I still here?
Bucky: yeah.
You: then it will never happen. We have been living together as friends for 3 years now.
Bucky: but it's what I said that made you leave.
You: what could a big oaf like you say to make me leave.
Bucky: I love you and I don't want you dating Loki anymore.

So this was what a being in a Love Triangle was like.

You: what?
James: I love you (y/n). I have for 3 years.
You: ...Buck. I...

Before you could say anything there was a buzzing sound from the speaker.

"(Y/N) it's Loki. I brought you some dinner cause I figure you would be up and working."

You get off your bed leaving Bucky behind and fix yourself. You buzz him in and get a glass of water. Bucky walks out your room shortly after you looking annoyed.

You: *sighs* Buck I can't talk about this right now.
Bucky: yeah okay. *grabs a beer* I will be in my room.
You: Bucky that's not fair. You can't just expect me to be like "okay I love you" and be with you.
Bucky: then don't expect me to be supportive of your relationship.
You: what the hell. I thought you were supposed to be my friend not some jackass wanna be!

He slams his door shut locking it right as Loki walks in the door. You open the fridge to cool off and grab a beer.

Loki: hello my love.
You: hi.
Loki: are you alright?
You: perfectly fine. *pops open bottle*
Loki: .. would you like to talk about it?
You: nope let's just eat and watch some movies.
Loki: ... okay.

You cuddle up next to Loki on the couch turning the TV on and going to Netflix.

You: what should we watch?
Loki: what ever you want I'm fine with.
You: Phantom of the Opera?
Loki: sure.

You play the movie and lean your head on Loki's shoulder. He kisses your head making you smile forgetting about your argument with Bucky. You wrap your arms around his torso and look up at him smiling. He smiles back at you wrapping his arms around you and kisses your lips breaking it off to kiss your forehead. You lay your cheek against his chest as you lay in between his legs. Loki falls asleep but you stay awake realizing the situation of the movie. The Phantom loves Christine but Christine loves Raoul and Raoul loves Christine. The Phantom kidnaps Christine through song and basically mind tricks her to fall in love with him while Raoul desperately looks for her. The Phantom locks him and Christina in his underground home and tries to kill Raoul when he comes to save her. They hash it out and figure things out. You watch the credits in disbelief and look at your sleeping boyfriend. You untangle yourself from him and cover him with a blanket. You quietly walk over to Bucky's room and pause at the door your hand hovering at the door knob as your fist stops at the door to knock. Before you could knock the door opens revealing a shirtless Bucky towering over you. Usually the sight of him shirtless was no big deal but now you were flustered. He walks past you running into your shoulder a bit like you were invisible.

You: *whispers*what the hell.

He just ignores you and rummages through the fridge making a lot of noise. You sigh and walk towards him shutting the door and cornering him.

You: are you trying to make me leave? Is that it? Just because I don't feel the same way as you? You really are the most ridiculous guy I know.
Bucky: reminder (y/n) I may be your roommate but I'm still and man and cornering me.. is just going to make me want you more.
You: *blushes*well.. well....
Bucky: you are so cute flustered.
Bucky: acting all what.

He leans forward making you back away from him into the island. He blocks you from moving putting his arms on the counter of each side of you his smirking face just inches from yours.

Bucky: oh you mean acting all manly. I have always been a man hun. A man that held back a lot. And now. I'm starting to grow impatient for you so I'm going to fight for you. Or just capture you like now and make you beg for forgiveness on your knees sucking my co..

You slap him across the face so hard that the slap echoed throughout the apartment waking Loki up. You shove past the stunned Bucky and grab Loki's hand dragging him out the door. You close the door and go to your room packing up a little suit case of things you needed and grab your purse shoving your computer in it. You walk to the door seeing Bucky still stunned from the fatal slap.

You: I'm leaving. For good. I will come back to get the rest of my stuff and when I do don't be in the same room as me.

You slam the door shut shaking the frame as Loki stood in bewilderment.

Loki: what happened?
You: *sighs* please. Just take me to your place.
Loki: yeah sure come on.

He grabs the handle of your suit case and wraps an arm around your shoulder as you walked away from the one place you always felt safe. As you get in the elevator you look up to see the door open showing Bucky about to run to you but you used your power to wipe his memory of today as the elevator doors shut. You look at Loki as he is on his phone letting Thor know that you were coming over and to prepare some food. You stand closer to him and wrap your arms tightly around Loki not wanting to let go for you were scared that if you did you would be torn away held up in that apartment against your will with a man that was now just someone you used to know.

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