"I have other clients and you need to pay" she hummed he was still advancing but his staggering made him hard to take as a serious threat, especially with no clothes on.

"Come now Sekhmet, we are destined... I don't need to pay when it's love" he leered.

She set her rouge down and sighed standing. She'd had about enough of the insane rambling and for him to even think she could have feelings for him made her want to puke. She was ready to take him, she didn't think it would take much, but when he lunged at her thrown off guard with strength she thought was gone her confidence was turned.

The room became a wrecking site as she thrashed and hurled things, getting the same greeting. She yelled out to get out, to leave while he could but he was having none of it. There was an almighty crash and yelling, but with everything going on she couldn't distinguish it as a separate event downstairs from the man grabbing at her. She was shoved down and her ankle twisted on the way. She cried out in agony but he was still coming at her. Out of options she shoved her hands up in an X shape to try and defend herself. She waited for the pain, the impact, the humiliation. She felt the resentment boil over and waited. But instead she heard howls of terror, opening her eyes an almost glowing white dragon illuminated the room, it was curled around her snarling at the man and he cowered in a corner, its golden armour glowed in the candle light and it looked back at her.

She stepped back unsteadily, had it decided to attack her? Was this a dream? It made no move but it was almost as if it was waiting for her order. She looked at the man cowering praying to the Gods for help, he looked pathetic and she glared, she wanted him gone.

The door burst down and two men entered yelling as the dragon turned to them baring its teeth. With swift movements the dragon was under control and out of sight, the items they used were foreign to her and she was too out of it to connect the dots. The man however was not and lunged at them, not that he was any match for both of them. When he was dealt with they looked at each other.

"Seto, we can't contain it ourselves without-" The man was silenced as a man towering in golds blues and whites snapped at him.

"You think I don't know that?" he sneered then turned on her.

"You get up now" he hissed and she flinched back remembering her dress getting torn at the shoulder in the fight and quickly covering herself. The other man coughed and turned his head seemingly embarrassed to see her like that the first simply thrust his cape at her with a cold scowl and told her again to get up.

She noticed the items again and this time studied them, the millennium items held by the court of the Pharaoh, his inner circle. But what were high priests doing in the worst area? She didn't have time to question when the back of her neck was grabbed and she staggered on hissing as her ankle shot pain up her leg as she tried to walk. She turned back ready to snap only to be face to face with the Millennium Rod.

"Don't make me use it" the man being called Seto warned and the other, wearing the ring held out his hand to stop the threatening.

She turned and walked with some difficulty and pain behind her as the men whispered.

"She's been through a lot Seto..."

"I don't care what she's been through she's a criminal and she was going to kill him with that Ka"

"She was trying to protect herself and gave no move to attack it's how we managed to contain it in the first place"

"Listen Mahado I've had enough of you seeing the best in people why don't you do some good and get that waste of skin out of that room and in a cell" that was the last of the conversation.

She wondered had she blacked out but the pain all felt real, when she got outside there were other workers on their knees, women like her, the door keeper, clients all on their knees long spears pointed... The Pharaoh's army... This wasn't a visit this was a raid.

When they carried the man who had tried to attack her past her she spat at him and swore. She was restrained by two guards and they held her down forcing her to her knees like everyone else.

"That dragon was Tefnuit, she is the prophesied one, you cannot ignore Isis' prediction" the second man, owner of the ring, was back and he conversed with the holder of the millennium rod.

"She's wrong this time, we cannot have a criminal near the Pharaoh" the familiar voice of the high priest in blue known to her as Seto spoke.

The rest of the conversation was muffled, they'd obviously spread some distance. When they came back it was Seto who barked the orders.

"Get all of this scum back to cells, I doubt we'll have any real challenge but we still have to exorcise the darkness from them" he shouted.

The guards hauled her up when a sharp 'wait' was called.

"Not this one... bring her back with us" he glared daggers at her and seemed to hate giving the order but none the less she was hauled up and pulled towards a horse the palace looming ominously now. She was headed towards her bleaker looking future but she turned and caught the two men's attention.

"Thank you..." was all she offered, the holder of the ring actually smiled at her, the other, Seto, scowled a look that said don't thank me.

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