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Nightcore: Get away with murder

Y/N means Your name

L/N means the Last name

H/L means Hair Length

H/C means Hair colour

E/C means Eye colour

F/C means Favourite colour

F/F means Favourite food

Y/N Pov

We finally made it through the crowd, seeing Azusa crying on Yui, while she was breaking down in tears. Mio~senpai is cuddling up in the corner of the room, crying her butt off. Ritsu covering her mouth, trembling in fear. Ui however, looked more, unusual. she wasn't crying but, she was shaking I guess.

I looked at the surroundings, it was the student council room, Nodoka's club. It made a question leak out of my brain, why are we here?

I looked over at Jun, seeing was tearing up. Her hands holding each other. I begin to Look around, everyone was neither confused, spiteful, sad or scared. It made me feel frightened, anxious, petrified and even sorrow. 

Jun turned to face me, with pure fright in her eyes. She bit her lip, letting a strand of blood come out. Her eyes narrowed, letting a single, forced smile show. Then it disappeared, showing a dull, emotionless expression.

"What happened Jun? WHAT HAPPENED!!!" I shouted, bawling my eyes out. She took a deep breath.

"Ui was planning to give to Nodaka Yui's bag, that she left at home, when she arrived... She was on the floor... Dead.." She said before breaking into tears, making me cry out even louder. Why... Nodaka out of all people? Why would anyone want to kill her out of everyone else?

"Nokada~senpai..." I cried out, falling on my knees. I stared at the floor, having the feeling of people staring at me. Just then sirens were heard, police ran in, the crowd cleared up. I just stood there.

Two policemen, a male and female, stood by the door. Telling us that it is best to leave or whatever. I barely heard them. All I could think about was Nokada~senpai, she was a great inspiration to us all, she was the one the Light music club always counted on! Whoever did this, is an emotionless psychopath.

I felt a tug on my uniforms shoulder. I tilted my head, exposing tears to Yui~senpai. She was also crying, but she was trying to calm me down as well.

"Y/N, we should leave" Yui spoke softly, crouching at me, staring into my eyes. Her eyes were dull, with little hope.

"I... I..." I say, unable to process any words

I got up, looking at the ground. Something clasped onto my hand. It was warm. I looked at it to see Yui's hand. It begins to shake. I tilted my head up, seeing Yui's moist eyes.

"Let's go," She said, before pulling me away from the crime scene. 

We strolled through the hallways. The atmosphere darkened, the students scared, angry, or even more protective than ever. I closed my eyes, crying out tears. I honestly didn't care anymore. Whoever the killer is, I hope they pay for their crime.

I opened my eyes and noticed we were at the staircase, the one below the clubroom. It was the staircase with the turtle statue. We walked up, with the smell of soft milky tea flowing in our faces. It smelt sweet.

We reached the clubroom. Yui gently opened the door, letting me walk in first. She let go of my hand. I walked up to the table, sitting down on the seats.  I sat next to Ritsu, while she was daydreaming and I was also beside Mio, she was shaking, horrified. 

On the left-hand side, next to the window, is Asuza, looking down at her teacup, shaped like a cat's head. Yui sat down beside her, letting Mugi pour her cup.

There was an awkward silence in the room. So, I began to Look around the room, I noticed my base was there. It was all fine, but I remember leaving it at home today. Soon, a glance looked over me. It felt unusually frightening. Then it stopped.

"Your mother dropped off your bass since you forget it this morning! Azusa stated while taking a slip out of her pink, cat teacup. 

"I need to thank my mom later then!" I answered, letting out a smile.

"Y/N, why don't you go and have some tea. It would remove some stress off today's drama" Mugi says, pouring Ritsu's tea into her teacup.

"I would like to, thank you Mugi" I reply, looking into her heart-broken eyes. It was dull like all her sparkles were forced out.

Once she finished pouring Ritsu's cup, she begins to pour mine. Her shoulder scraping the surface of mine. Then I felt it again, the frightening glance again. But it was deadly. Once she stopped, she went to Mio's tea. The feeling disappeared.

"Poor Nokada~senpai.," I mumble while I sip my tea. It was how I usually like it, but I cannot enjoy it. Which was normal in this situation, I guess.

"Why would anyone do this? She didn't do anything wrong" Ritsu shouted, making us startle. 

"We don't know Ritsu..." Mugi stated, finishing pouring Mio's tea. She begins to pour her's while beginning to shake. Her eyes were filled with fright. I looked around, seeing Ritsu with revenge written in her eyes.

"Well, I can't just sit around!" Ritsu snapped, jumping out of her chair. My eyes widened, in shock of Ritsu's sudden actions. 

"Ritsu! We can't do anything, just let the police handle it!" She screamed back, while she finished pouring her tea. She placed the teapot down, following by her sitting down.

"Ritsu, stop being selfish, we need to stay put! We all want justice!" Yui shouted, and surprisingly it was the most responsible thing she ever said. It was like, it changed her view of the entire world.

"Yui's right, if we interfere, it would have it a lot harder for the police to catch the culprit!" I shout at her, after a while, Ritsu sits back down. 

"Nokada was our friend, we all want to see her killer locked up," Mio said, looking down at her cup. After that, it was dead silence, and none of us cared.

"Since today's unfortunate event, the school will be cancelled today," The speaker announced, breaking up the silence. I started to tear up, she didn't deserve this, none of this.


So yeah this is the second chapter, and yes, I know I suck at writing, but I tried. Oh, and you don't have to read this unless if there's like that underlined stuff now I guess. Here are the discussion questions I guess!

-Why would someone kill Nokada?

-Who is the murderer?

-Is there soon going to be another victim?

Enjoy your day! and never kill someone, ever!

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