Christmas Break

I have to call mother to see what we are going to plan for Christmas. Hey Valley, Napa we are going to go and stay with mother for the next two weeks. I need you to pack and bring whatever you are going to do while we are there because we are not coming back here until it is time for school. 

Calling mother

Hi, mother, we are coming over there until Christmas break is over is that ok? Yes, you and the girls are very much welcome to come over if you don't mind my dogs. When are you guys coming over? We will be there later on today I have to go to the store and get some food and other things. And I want to do some Christmas shopping with the girls. We will bring all of our stuff over there. Have you put the tree up yet? No, not yet. Well, we will help you put it up ok. Do you have a tree? Yes, I do. Have you talked to Silver or Otto? Yes. Their children are out of school for Christmas break. And they are coming over for Christmas.  I will call them and talk to you later. Ok bye, mother, we will see you soon love you. Let me clean the condo before Zoe and the girls get here.  I need to get Dexdon on the phone so I can see if he is still coming over for dinner like we planned for the night. Normally when we go out to dinner he either stays at my place or I stay over his house.   

(Calling Dexdon)

Hi Dexdon, are we still going out to dinner? Yes if you would like to. Sure. So what time shall I pick you up? I will be ready at 7:00 p.m. ok. Well, I'll see you then.  Love you. Love you too. Good, I don't have much to clean and I was able to take the dogs for a walk before anyone came. (Doorbell) Zoe and the girls are at the door.  Come in ladies and get comfortable I am about to leave. Where are you going, mother? I am going out to dinner with Dexdon. Are you going to stay at his house tonight or come back here? I don't know I will call you and let you know. I need to talk to Dexdon. What do you need to talk to him about? Oh, he asked to marry me. What? So what are you going to say? Well, I do want to marry him I have very strong fillings for him. Oh, mother, I am so happy for you. Have you told Otta and Silver? No, not yet and you don't tell them I will. Ok, mother. Dexdon is here I will talk to you when I see you. See you soon mother. Love you. 

Out to dinner

We went to the Ribs and More restaurant their food is great we sat there for almost two years eating and talking. So we decided that we will get married in March of next year after Christmas and the New Year began. We decided that we will only have our children and grandchildren nothing big. And we also decided to move into a larger condo. I am glad he wants to live in a condo because we are both getting old and neither one of us need to be cutting the grass or shoveling the snow anymore. We don't need to buy anything because we both have more than enough stuff. He is going to sell his house so that he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore. We can just focus on us and that makes me happy. I want both of us to be happy and enjoy the rest of our lives together we were blessed to have found each other. So he has not told his children yet so we decided to tell them during the Christmas dinner. We went back to his house and made love all night. We woke up and made love again we could not get enough of each other man he made me fill so good. He got up and cooked breakfast and we got dressed. We were both off for Christmas break so the office was closed for two weeks. He decided to pack some things so he can stay at the condo for a while. Hi, mother are you on your way back to the condo? Yes. Oh, and I am bringing Dexdon back to the condo with me he is going to stay for a bit. How nice so we will be there soon. Are the girls woke? Ye, they are eating and they have finished unpacking. When you get here mother can we start on the Christmas tree? Yes, I will stop and buy some ice cream and cookies and a pizza. Zoe what kind of pizza and ice cream and cookies do you think I should buy. You decide mother. Is Zoe there anything I need to buy for the tree? No mother. Ok well, I will be there soon. Ok, bye mother. Mother, you made it home hi Dexdon. Dexdon you can take your things to my bedroom and come back and help put the tree up. Valley please come and put the food up. I ordered pizza and it should be here soon. Mother, we got the tree out. Where do you want it? Right there where that big window is ok. I called your brother and sister and told them to bring their children over so that we all can put the tree up together. The pizza is here I order every kind and two of each so there should be about twenty pizzas.  The pizza is here and so is Silver and her husband and children and Otto and Mary and the children. Great everything is going the way I planned. First, let the men stand the tree so that we can all start to decorate the tree. That is a pretty big tree mother said Silver oh mother that is our old tree from the house. Yes, it is I figure why waste money and the tree is in perfect condition. Wow, mother, you have all of our old ornaments that we made over the years. Yes, I do. Everyone come and eat before the food get's cold. Pizza yes. Everyone can finish the tree once we are finished eating. Everything was so good thanks, mother. So now go and finished the tree babies.  I will clean up while you all do that. Now everything is clean and we are finished with the tree also mother. Let's watch some Christmas movies or listen to some Christmas music ok.  Ok, we will watch a movie I have the new Christmas movie with Alttoa as the main character with an all-black cast. Wow, mother, I have been wanting to watch that movie since it first came out. That was a good movie mother thanks. We are going to leave now mother so are we said Otta we will be seeing you soon. 

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