Law of Magnetism; Opposites Attract Same's Repel

Start from the beginning

I whined unhappily and limped along back to the camp. Inside Berry's den it was warm, dry, and very dim. After piling up the herbs I headed out to see the snow falling just a bit harder. Jinx and Brownie were outside patching up the den. I don't know if it's Jinx's den or Jinx and Brownie's den. Not that I care if they sleep together I thought shaking my head to clear my thoughts. I shivered as more snow fell on my half fur back and half bare back. Months have malnutrition haven't been kind to my once so glossy coat of fur. Most of my fur fell out making it short and patchy in some places. My body started to shake, so I did my best not to shake and look cold and weak. I didn't like being weak, but I tend to end up being weaker.

"A nice warm cozy den together right mate?" Brownie asked Jinx. There was a funny feeling in my chest when she said that, like an emptyness that I couldn't shake away.

"Yeah sure" Jinx said. The emptyness increased, so I forced myself to look away.

"Do you mind helping us?" Venom asked.

"Sure what can I do?" I asked glad there was some way I could be of use.

"Start by covering the entrance with sticks and leaves. We don't want to much snow comming in" Venom told me.

"Right" I said nodding my head. Slowly I was able to limp around and put tree branches up to be covered with leaves. We left a small hole to go in and out from, and made sure it wouldn't allow much snow inside. The snow fell heavier, but not heavy enough to worry about so everyone climbed the hill the dens were dug into and rolled in snow.

"Poppy get off me!" Venom bark as she and Poppy rolled down in a ball of snow. Suddenly a pile of snow landed on my back. The snow made my patchy furred back sting from the cold, but I refused to show my discomfort.

"Oopps I'm so sorry" Berry laughed. With one quick movement of my good front paw I flung snow at her. A bunch landed on her nose.

"EEEk! so cold!" she barked, and furiously rubbed her nose to brush snow of and warm it.

"You piles of elk dung are acting like pups! Show some maturity" whined Brownie.

"Like this" said Jinx. He strutted past Brownie with his tail and head held high.

"Yes like-" Brownie started to say just as Jinx kicked up snow in her face. She howled loudly, suprised that Jinx would do something like that. I put a paw to my muzzled and tried not to laugh loudly.

"No like this" I said kicking snow into Jinx's eyes, he howled furiously and knocked me ove. I held back a yelp of pain that shot up my paw and my back leg. Jinx turned away to whipe the snow from his eyes after growling again

"Berry help me!" I called to her, and together we burried Jinx's body except for his head. He growled playfully until he saw me.

"Hey I have to go organize the herbs, see you later" Berry said.

"See you later" I replied. She trotted down hill and disappeared in her den

"I'm' so tired" yawned Venom.

"Of course you are, go take a nap" Poppy told her. Poppy rolled around in the snow while Venom disappeared into the den, too. Jinx growled at me as he struggled to free himself from the heavy snow.

"Well I'll be going now, remember to stay away" I reminded Jinx. Without warning Jinx growled and broke free of the snow. He lunged towards me sending us tumbling down the other side of the hill. I yelped in pain from the icy cold snow on my back paws, from my broken paw, and the wound on my back leg. I landed on my back pinned under him.


I lunged at Sappire, angrily. My anger disappeared when I heard her yelp.

"Weak puppy!" I snarled. We rolled down hill until we finally slowed to a stop with her pinned underneath me. I growled loudly, and she whimpered. I then realized somethign was wrong.

"Sapphire are you allright?" I asked her, trying to keep my tone flat, but failing miserably. My tone was full of worry and concern for her well-bing. I backed off of her to let her get to her paws again.

"Yeah I'm fine caribou dung" she spat at me. Her small body shook slightly. I guess she's dizzy I thought and chuckled sotly earning me a harsh glare.

"That'll teach you a lesson!" I snarled, my anger boiled up to the surface right away.

"Honey are you allright!" called Brownie. I groaned internally. Brownie was everything I wanted in a female wolf, but for some reason I have a hard time being around her.

"Yeah, just teaching the rogue a leason" I growled.

"That's right! You show it, its place" she growled lovingly. I growled and showed my teeth, but Brownie and Sapphire took it the wrong way. Sapphire thought I was being agressive and Brownie thought I was aggreeing with her. Sapphire's a her, now an 'it' I thought angrily. No wolf is just an 'it'.

"Lets go, and no I'm not ready to share a den with you Brownie" I stated, Brownie gave me a sad look before sprinting back to the den. I sighed.

"Come one, the snow is falling heavier now" I told her. The snow fell heavier and heavier each minute, and I was starting to become cold. I started to trudge up the mountain with Sapphire fallowing in behind. The sound of her paws slowly faded away.

"Sapphire?" I called her name, behind me I couldn't see her. The snow was blinding me and my sense of smell. I slid down the snowy hill and dug around the snow.

"Sapphire!" I called her name again. Why can't she stay out of trouble? Nearly drowned once and now she's been burried in the snow I thought annoyed. My paws grew sore and tired, but I refused to stop. I started to dig the fifth hole when my sore paws hit something. Slowly I dug her out of the snow. Once I had her out I noticed the snow on the side of the hill sliding downwards. It stopped at my legs and nearly covered my legs.

"Come on!" I snapped and bent down to pick her up by the scruff.

"Leave me alone!" she snapped her teeth at me furiously. I recoiled keep enough to avoid her razor sharp teeth.

"Leave me here and just stay away!" she growled at me. Her body shook uncontrolably.

"Knock it off!" I snapped and smacked her with my sore paw. She whimpered from the impact and I regretted it. Gingerly I picked her up by her scruff and carried her back to camp. My paws ached from the cold snow and ice by the time I made it up the hll and to the dens. I hurried to Berry's den, but the entrance had sealed with ice, so had the other den. The other den left... was mine.

"Polar bear dung!" I cursed. I dropped her into my den and climbed in myself. There were small narrow tunnels that connected the den, but with Sapphire unconciose I can't move her.  I looked over at er unconcious body. Snow and ice clung to her back and to her paws making her body shake. I should have told her to go back when I saw her shaking I thought regretfully. I sighed, and bent down to lick the snow and ice off her back. It took a while before I could defrost her back and paws, and as I did so her scent swirled around me. I couldn't lie to myself, it was sweet and distinctive and I liked it. Her body shivered still and her fur was damp. She is too cold now for her to be able to warm herself up even if she curles up in a ball like she has now. I sat down on the other side of the den. After shaking out my lush black fur I warmed up, so I decided to check on Sapphire. Her body was very cold to the touch and she was obviously having dificulty breathing. My heartbeat quickened, and my fur lifted as discomfort prickled my spine. Not that I care, but Brownie's going to be mad I thought. I layed down beside Sapphire and curled up around her small body like a blanket. The instant my skin touched her I thought I had jumped into an icy river. My body tensed at the feeling, and I beat the ground with my tail. Sapphire twitched in her sleep and moved closer towards me. Just the scent of her was overwhelming, and to be so close no was pushing me over the edge. It took a minute until I finally relax, and I found it strange that was so relaxed when so close to a rogue.

it was strange, yet wonderful at the same time. It had me wondering if she felt the same. I recalled her words. 'Stay away!' and 'leave me alone' No, there's no way she could feel this way about me. I layed my head down over her head and fell asleep.


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