One - Hidden Pain Of Agony

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There was never only one being capable of sin, and Servamps were not created by only one person, only raised by one person.

There were three, the assistant, the creator, and the observer.

The creator was an intelligent, dangerous man who was the one who had a larger part in the Servamps life, as he was also their caretaker.

The assistant was the creators closest friend, and father of the observer, another female Servamp, the assistant was there to help, and to remember how Servamps were created.

The observer had the job of watching the Servamps, she was what some would call a cursed girl, she had a strange ability, she could go completely unnoticed, and it caused her so much pain.

Her name, was Hidden Pain of Agony, and she was the Servamp of Agony.

She was completely unrelated to the Servamps representing the Seven Deadly Sins and Melancholy, she was more like a security measure, to keep them from doing anything especially stupid.

She had seen everything, from them leaving home, to the downfall of every Eve.

She witnessed the loyalty of All Of Love of Lust and Doubt Doubt of Envy to the Alicein family for three generations, and she saw Lawless of Greed's mourning for his long dead love, Ophelia.

She witnessed the creation of Who's Coming of Melancholy, and the death of the creator.

And she saw their lives pass by from a close distance, and they never saw her.

It was the cause of her agony, those she cared so deeply for didn't even know of her existence.

She sat in the garden of the Alicein mansion, watching from a swing as All Of Love and his current Eve, Misono Alicein, played chess.

She knew it was risky to watch her charge in such a noticeable spot, but she didn't care.

The selfish side of her had taken over that day, and she would enjoy it if the pair saw her.

The familiar pang of sadness in her chest alerted her that Who's Coming was getting into trouble.

She blinked, suddenly appearing on the usually unoccupied leather couch of the living area, unfortunately, Belkia had just exited the bathroom, and Higan, Shamrock, and Sakuya were all on the couch.

It was the pink haired magician that noticed her first.

"Hey who the hell are you?!" He yelled.

The girl flushed, not expecting such a miscalculation.

"My given name is Y/n, though the creator typically called me the observer or Hidden Pain, I am the Servamp of Agony, my job is to keep track of all the Servamps representing the Seven Deadly Sins and Melancholy." She made her introduction calmly, ignoring the four gawking males.

Sakuya was the first to speak, eyeing the girl suspiciously.

"How do we know you're telling the truth?"

The girl scoffed, giggling quietly. "You don't, silly. You can either take my word for it or you can't, but Doubt Doubt is having trouble with his Eve, now do me a favor and don't tell Who's Coming I was here, I don't wish for father to be disappointed in me."

She giggled again, disappearing.

She knew they wouldn't talk, as she had altered their memories, leaving only her name behind.

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