"Ohh I would hate that taking night classes sound boring."

"well I don't have time for classes in the morning so I have no choice, but to go at night when I graduate college then I wont have to worry about it." I shrugged.

"you alright ro?" he said getting up putting his shoes on.

"oh yeah im fine I just have to head to work got a few errands I want to get it all done today so I wont have to do it tomorrow."

"you need help with any of them?"

"no I got it thank you." I smiled as we both walked out. " see you later dell."

"bye rosie." he smiled as I watched him leave.


" so you didn't tell her yall broke up?"

"no I feel like I should keep it to myself for a little bit it will reach the light I mean you know social media travels fast." I said lifting weights.

"yeah, but you going to have to tell her eventually cause then she going to assume yall still dating, and not trying to be an asshole, but you cant leading rosie on man like you going have to chose."

"man why are you on her ass did you fuck her man? " I said getting mad.

"no I didn't fuck her I would never do that to man its just facts im your brother yes, but im not going to tell you what you want to hear im going to tell you what it is."

I sighed.

" I don't man you always had a thing for Spanish bitches I don't know why remember your last one you dated selena Gomez."

"we didn't date man G that was a fling."

" a fling don't last for for more then 4 months."

"we didn't even last long to be honest she went straight to dating the weekend right after I dumped her."

"dude I don't see why you cant just settle down?"

"man do you know how hard it is to just settle down with one girl why cant I have rosie, and lauren?"

"because out of everything rosie is going to be down for you the most lauren set yo ass to get jumped remember, and you still went back, but with rosie its different you immediately left it's going to be fucked up when she finds somebody else." he said drinking water.

"me personally I do want to settle down, but all the bitches I end up with don't want that they just want to date, fuck, and sit in the sidelines while I make money, rosie aint like that she works her fucking ass off she works two jobs, she takes care of herself as a women, she cares about my well being even though we aint together she told me when we were together she wanted to settle down, and have kids some day, but back then I just wasn't ready for that I just wanted to date now she single focusing on herself."

"you left her for lauren man think about it." he said getting up. " imma go baby mom's need me ill see yo tomorrow at the game."

"alright nigga."

man Jarvis never want to hear my side its there side, and thats it, but at the same time he's got my back regardless I sighed going in the showers.


"so odell invited you to the game tomorrow?" Danielle spoke pouring me some wine.

"yeah he did you wanna come with?" I smiled.

"hell yeah I need me a nigga I've been single for a nice little bit, all I've been doing was fucking."

I giggled. " you sure you want a boyfriend its extra bullshit."

"look I don't wanna hear no bullshit."

"such as?" I said lifting an eyebrow.

"baby momma drama, momma , and daddy drama that shit is extra baggage that I don't want."

"what about marriage you want that?"

"oh yeah I want a husband, but I just don't want no kids them little fuckers..."

I giggled. " girl I love kids, and I want tons of them."

"with odell?"

my eyes lit up. " what no."

"girl bye you know dam well you want odell to fuck the shit out of you."

I blushed . "no I don't." I said looking at the time.

"oh girl its getting late, and I need to get home ill see you tomorrow at the game alright?"

"alright." I smiled opening the door for her watching her leave I sighed cleaning the kitchen a bit plopping down on the bed as my eyes began to get heavy as I instantly fell asleep.

A/N I'm sorry, but this chapter was a little boring, but the next chapter will be better .🤣

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