Chapter XII

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Crystal's POV

I've been here for 5 days. They have managed to break me. They broke my faith. I finally acknowledge that Peter isn't going to save me. Why would he? He could just get another girlfriend after all.

Mark and I have been talking everyday since that day when he told me his name. He's nice. Apparently he's 19 years old. He's forced to work here because he knew too much. His friend was a mutant like me. And when they took his friend, he was there. Stryker gave him a choice, to die or work here. So he chose to work here. He had access to the outside world anyways.

"Why didn't you escape then?" I asked.
"Because if I escape, they'll kill my mother. They won't even try to find me." He answered.

The fact that he was also a "prisoner" made me hate Stryker even more. How many lives has he destroyed? The anger built up within me. If I wasn't on the drugs, I would've exploded. But, then again, my powers are blocked. And there's nothing I can do about it.

"Mark?" I asked.

"Yes, Crystal?"

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because you remind me of someone."

"Who?" I asked, genuinely curious

"My friend"

"Your friend was a girl?"

"Yes, and she was very beautiful."

His words made me wonder. What happened to his friend?

"What happened to her?"

He was about to answer when he received a message from his earpiece.

"Yes, sir." he said

He opened the cell door and looked at me with sad eyes. He didn't even touch me, I just walked out with him behind me. I know why he gave me that look. They're going to start experimenting with me again.

"Crystal... I just want to say good luck."

I nodded at him. And walked inside the lab. The doctors were ready. They've been trying to make me the strongest weapon. In a way, they're training me. I've been developing my powers. I'm now able to heal people faster. I don't have to be close to someone to heal them anymore. I can also use my destruction powers to move objects. It's strange, it's like telekinesis with my anger, my energy.

"Welcome back, Crystal." the doctor said to me.

I looked at him with a blank expression. He then injected me with a serum that revives my powers instantly. He then walked to the other side of the room before he threw a knife at me. I swiftly waved my hand so the knife lost it's track and fell to the floor.

"Good work. Now make it levitate." he said.

I lifted my hands up and the knife levitated. I had the urge to throw it at him. But, it'll only cause more problems for me.

"Great job. Now make it burn." he commanded.

I don't know if I could do that. I focused on the levitating knife and tried to heat it up. It didn't. The knife fell to the ground and I felt a stinging pain on the side of my chest. They electrocuted me. It hurts so bad. I fell to the floor before the guard picked me up again and made me stand. I lifted my hands up again and levitated the knife. I tried lighting it up again, I failed again. This time, I felt the pain on my neck. That was when I blacked out.


*1 week later*

"Mark." I called out.

"What is it, Crystal?" he replied.

"Was your friend really your friend or was she someone special to you?"

"Well... Um... She was... Um... My crush... "

"And you were on a date with her?"

"Yes." he said.

My memories of the Ice cream shop with Peter played in my head. How he smiled at me. His dimples, his hazelnut eyes, his silver hair. How I miss him so much. I wish I could see him again.

Suddenly, Mark walked in with my food.

"Here, Crystal. Enjoy." He said, giving me a bittersweet smile. I don't understand why until I realize he had left a note on the plate. He wrote it on the tissue paper, so I could read it without looking suspicious.

Dear, Crystal.

You know, I loved Kyra (My friend). And I know you love someone out there. Kyra and I didn't have a choice. We couldn't escape. But you? You can. I want you to live your life with whoever it is you love. You'll find a small pill under the tissue papers. It's the drug that they use to revive your mutation. Use it if you find a good chance of escaping. If you haven't set up a plan, don't use it yet. It might me your only chance.

Best regards,


I unfolded the tissue paper. There was a small, yellow ish pill. I took it and hid it(don't ask where). The I ate my food like how I normally would.

"Mark? I'm finished." I said.

"Okay." he said while walking into my cell.

I gave him a sad smile and he returned it to me.

'I love you' he mouthed.

'I'm not kyra' I mouthed back jokingly.

'I'm just imagining you are her' he mouthed again.

He then walked out with my plastic tray. Leaving me with my thoughts.


Sooooo, how was ittt? Come onnnn gimme critics or something. I'm dying for your opinions! Come onnnnn. And don't worry, I'm still updating everyday. Eheheehe. Anywayssss

Thank youuuuuu ♥

~ Felicia ~

Where You Belong (Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff Fanfiction) ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora