Chapter 3. Dream on

Comenzar desde el principio

As you were about to enter your room, you had to stopped in your tracks.

" I almost forgot."

You chucked a pillow at Loki's face causing him to fall down on the floor and tossed a blanket on top of him. You headed your room to change and quickly collapsed in your bed.

What a day.


You woke up at around 3 in the morning because your throat felt as dry as sandpaper.

You walked by the living room and you saw Bucky and Thor cuddling Steve like a teddy bear while steve had his arm around the both of them while the T.V. was on. They were watching a matharton of I Love Lucy. You chuckled and turned off the T.V., but quickly grabbed your water. You saw a dark silhouette sleeping on Lola's bed.

So he did sleep on thedog's bed.

You quickly walked out of the living room and went into your room. You saw that their was figure lying under your covers which caused you to jump a bit, but it was just Lola.

She was probably here because Loki is in her bed, but it not unusual for her to sleep in my bed. Sometimes she sleeps here from time to time.

You drank your water and went right back to sleep.

It was morning once more. The sun started to seep through the sky with color. The crisp air filled your lungs. You were awake, but your eyes decided not to wake up with your body. You felt around your bed for your bed for Lola. You came in contact with something soft and smooth. You started to pet what you came in contact. It was so soft and... long.

That doesn't feel right.

As you were petting whatever you were petting, it started to shift to face you. It was no longer the soft smooth like fur, but soft skin.

You opened your eyes finally.

" Why good morning..."   Loki said with a small smirk on his lips.

What you were touching was his hair at first. Now your hand was now placed on his pale face.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHH." you punch his face causing him to fall off the bed dragging your sheets as well.

" What was that for?!" He said angrily.

" What are you doing in my bed?!" you yelled.

" Do you know how uncomfortable the floor is?!" He replied.

You looked at the floor and noticed that their was the armor and leather that looked familiar and then you realized.

He was naked.

" WHY IS YOUR CLOTHES ON THE FLOOR?!" you jumped out of your bed looking away from the naked man.

" My armor was uncomfortable. So all I did was just..." He said while wrapping half of his body with your blanket.

You started to gag. You grabbed some spare clothes from your drawer and quickly went into the bathroom to wash up.

After a while of hard scrubbing, you were finally clean. You changed your clothes to a new pair. You got out hoping that Loki had his clothes on. When you walked out of the bathroom with your hand shielding your eyes. You looked towards Loki and was relieved that he had his armor back on.

" Are you pleased?" He said with his arms pointing to his body.

" Very." You sighed with relief. " So much white I thought I was looking at a snowman."

He just eyed you and you eyed him back.

"That is it. We are going shopping today!!!." you yelled and entered the room.

The three of them were still fast asleep. Fully clothed.

Thank the Lord.

You got a air horn you hide in the counter in your kitchen and pressed the horn. You pressed it so loud that caused Bucky and Steve to sit up. Lola also jumped up in fear of the horn.

" Rise and shine, Sleep Beauties."

" Morning." Steve said half dazed.

" Five more minutes." Bucky yawned still lying down. 

Thor was unfazed by the sound. You didn't want to keep waking him up to risk your life.

You decided to make some coffee to wake myself up, but put more than usual because now you had company.

The smell of the fresh brewed coffee filled the air and straight to Thor's nostrils causing him to wake up.

" Morning, Hercules." You said while fetching mugs for everyone while pouring coffee into each one.        " Did you have a nice slumber."

" My slumber was not as bad as I thought." he said.

" Here you go." You said while you gave a mug full of coffee.

" I am eternally grateful for this wonder drink you have offered me." He said with the most brightest eyes you have ever seen.

You smiled.

" He is putting us gentlemen to shame." Bucky whispered ot steve.

" No kidding. " said Steve. "Thank you, (y/n)."

" Your welcome." You gave Steve a cup of coffee.

" Thank you, ma'am." Bucky awkwardly grabbed the cup of coffee.

"No problem." You said with a smile.

You gave them your coffee with smiles on their faces.

There was someone missing.

" Hey, grease hair with issues, you want some coffee." You yelled to the bathroom. "Please tell me you are not staring yourself in the mirror. I feel sorry to be the reflection."

This time, Thor choked on his drink.

" Don't need to be hasty, now." He walked out of the bathroom patting down his hair. " It takes time and effort for this."

You rolled your eyes. 

" By Odin's beard, Loki. What is that hideous thing growing out of your neck?" Thor said while pointing at Loki.

" What! Where?!" Loki started to panic.

"Oh, never mind. It was just your head." Thor smile was even brighter than before. He must be proud.

Now Bucky choked on his drink.

Loki looked at his brother like he was about to murder him with his eyes.

This is comedy gold.

You got the mug of coffee and gave it to Loki. You held it out, but he just looked at you and stared at the mug.

" How do I know you haven't laced it with poison?" He said with his hands behind his back.

"You don't." You smirked. " There is a first time for everything."

He looked at you and grabbed the cup. He observed the mug to check to see if it was tampered with. Then he took a sip of the coffee.

" This is quite good." He said taking another sip. " A bit strong for my taste, but not quite bad."

" You're welcome." You said taking a sip of your coffee.

" So what is the plan for us today?" Steve said while finishing his coffee.

" Well the first thing we have to do is to get you guys some clothes and some food to feed and army." You said." You guys stick out like a deer in headlights, but the problem is is that I don't have that much money to buy for all of you."

" So, what are we going to do?" Bucky said while placing the mug down on the table.

" I believe I have an idea who can help." You said with a smile on you face.


The Modern World For Idiots  (Avengers x reader).Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora