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SMACK! "Worthless cunt!" Suga said as he slammed me against the wall

Great! Another bruise... Everyone laughed as he would throw me at the walls, not even knowing whats happening at home. Whatever, I doubt they'll ever care..

"Go to hell, pig!" he after slamming me to wall one last time before walking away laughing.. For some reason when other people call me names it doesn't bother me.. But when Suga does it, it really hurts me.. Now I have to go home.. Where I die more inside.. And where I get more bruises

Walking home was a great feeling because I didn't have to feel anything bad. Arriving home is where I feel nothing but terrified.. I was about to open the until it opened before me, hitting my head and falling to the ground. My dad then grabs me by the wrist, pulls me inside, shoves me on the ground, and then grabs his beer bottle and threw it at me.. The beer bottle isn't strong so it didn't hurt as bad and I didn't bleed! A great feeling! But looking down where its aching I notice my wrists are bruising

"It's all your fault" he yelled into my ear as he started kicking me in my stomach.. All I need to do is wait for someone to save me.

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