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I was tagged by *announcer voice* The Amazing! The wonderful! The fantastic!..... drum roll please..... RaviNirvana !

Ten facts about me!

1. I watch children's movies all the time, it's unbelievable.

2. I'm gonna cut my hair soon! ;)))

3. I'm a lonely S.O.B.

4. I like classic hip hop. I know some of you people may hate me for that, but guess what? I don't give a sh!t 😂😂

5. I love dancing/working out 🤷‍♀️

6. I need friends 😉👍 (besides my kids)

7. My eyes are blue, green, brown, and yellow. Like, da fuq.

8. I just hit 5 foot!

9. My favorite pair of shoes is my AJ Jumpman Pros. (I'm really running out of ideas😂 I'm not interesting)

10. I love Kevin Hart😂💕💕

I tag

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