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The next day

I woke up and I was laying on Ron's chest while, he was still asleep. I giggle and just cuddle back into his, very surprisingly, warm chest. After, a few good 10 minutes he starts to stir and then slowly, opens his piercing blue ocean eyes.

"Hey mate do you know what time it is?" He asks me and I quickly do a Temptis charm, to see that it's 10 in the morning. "Well my friend, it is 10 and we need to get up, or either Molly or Hermione will come barging in to wake us up."

He just laughs and I laugh along with him because, if they see the position that we were in and the looks on their faces, would be priceless. We soon stop laughing and get changed. I see Ron walk out of the bathroom and damn does my best friend look smashing.

He is wearing a tight fighting black t-shirt, with some Dragon hide boots and he's wearing dark blue ripped skinny jeans! I look over him one more time and just whistle, in a friend way.

"Damn Ron you look smashing! I think if we see your hubby while, we're out today he's just gonna be drooling all over you." I say to him and he just giggles and blushes. I go in the bathroom and put on some black leggings and a medium length bubblegum pink skirt, with a soft baby blue sweater. And I put my hair up in french braid pigtails. I walk out to see Ron looking at me.

"Mate I didn't know you likes to wear girls clothes. Why didn't you tell me?" I look at him and then close my, mascara covered eyes and just look down avoiding his eyes at all costs.
"Harry I'm not upset in fact I am surprised that you want to dress like this when my family is a bunch of homophobic people, and don't like the fact of guys dressing like girls. Well besides Fred, George, Bill, and myself of course"

I look at him and see in his eyes that there is nothing but love, and friendship. And for that I am happy to have at least one true friend. We eventually go down the stairs and go into the kitchen, and everyone is staring at us.

"Um Harry is there a reason why you are wearing girls clothes? And not your respected guy clothes." Ginny asks and I can see the disgust in her eyes so, I ignore her an continue to eat my breakfast.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU WILL NOT IGNORE ME, YOUR GIRLFRIEND, WHEN I ASK YOU A QUESTION!" I look over at her and give her the best glare I could do without trying to rip out her pathetic throat.

"Exuse me but, you Girvana are not allowed to talk to me like that, and plus I am not dating a slut, who is only after money. Did I make myself clear the last time Ginny I.AM.FUCKING.GAY!" I yell and then, look over at Ron for support and he nods his head at me.

"Mum there has been something I've wanted to tell you and you can't react badly okay?" She nods her head in agreement and Ron turns around and I give him a encouraging smile and nod of my head.

"What is it dear?" " Mom I'm gay and I have had a boyfriend for about 4 months now." When Ron looks up he is immediately faced with a loud smack! And then the horror washes over everyone and, he just looks at me.

"Molly please do me and Ron a favor and stay the fuck out of our lives." I grab Ron and we head up to his room, and now it was his time to break down and I just soothed him to calm down.

"Sh hey maybe you could owl Blaise and maybe he can let us stay with him? How does that sound?" He looks up and his eyes are bloodshot red and he nods and gets up to write Blaise a letter.

Dear Blaise,
So I told my mom about us and she sort of slapped me and is disowning me for being gay. So me and Harry was wondering if we could stay at our till school starts? And please don't judge Harry for wearing girls clothes they make him really happy.
Love, Ronald

He goes and ties the letter to my owl's leg and she flies off. "Let's get some sleep hopefully his answer will be here by tomorrow." I nod and we go in the same position as before and slowly fall asleep.

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