"You want me to take you back to your hotel?"

"No I'll be fine, but what is it you wanted to talk about ?"

"Can we take this outside?"

"Yeah sure." I said grabbing my purse following him outside sitting down. "So what's up?"

"Nothing much you've changed physically like... you look fine as fuck." I blurted out .

I blushed . "Thank you . You gotten bigger then when you left."

"Military and football got me this way ." I smirked . "I've been working out heavy for the past three years ."

" I needed to get bigger my ass weighed 120 then I ate all that dam junk food worked out a bit and gained like 36 pounds ." I giggled and shrugged.

"I mean you look good either way ." I smiled

I blushed as paparazzi cams taking pictures I sighed and rolled my eyes .

"Don't worry about them they always around . One day they tried to take pictures of me while I was taking a shower."

"And, your used to that shit?"

"I gotta be this is the life I chose fame and money ."

"I figured ." I said getting up ." Hey, it's late I'm just going to call a Uber I'm tired and a bit tipsy I had four of these." I giggled.

"Let me take you back to the hotel."

"Alright." I said as he carried me to the car .

"You know I didn't really think you can handle your liquor ."

I giggled ." I wasn't really going to drink this much normally when I'm around you we end up drinking to dam much ."  I said as he pulled in the front .

"Hey Rosie before the game I was thinking maybe me, and you can go to our favorite sweet spot we used to go to."

I sighed ." I can't me, and Renee hanging out tomorrow."

"Alright maybe next time ."

"Yeah maybe." I blushed, and waved I sighed as tears started flowing is it because I'm to drunk to do anything or is it because this old feeling is back I hope not because I do not plan on getting back with him not after the bullshit he did.

I went into my hotel room I stripped my dress and shoes off just sleeping in my thong tonight I turned on the cooking channel falling asleep.


I pulled up my crib, and stopped I sighed punching the wheel I done fucked up she probably got a nigga, but if she do he probably ain't making her happy or fucking her good that's something I've always been good at. I wouldn't mind having an open relationship I mean the first year me, and Lauren had an open relationship we was dating around, and  and didn't give a fuck now we in this committed bullshit, and I lowkey miss the feeling I had with Rosie, but tbh I have to let old memories go because that's all she is an old memory .

I walked in the house seeing Lauren pissed as fuck. "What's wrong baby?"

"So I'm guessing that Rosie Bitch was there huh?"

I sighed scratching the back of my neck . "Yeah she was ."

"You saw her or fucked her?" She said getting up.

"Lauren I had a long day practice, I got a game tomorrow can we please not have this tonight?"

"Tonight?! You out here with some hoe that I know for a fact you fucked her."

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